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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus: What IS True? Who To Believe?

Meanwhile, the ever elusive truth is out there somewhere, but don’t look for it in the mainstream or social media

By Judi McLeod —— Bio and Archives--April 3, 2020

Will New York City be Ground Zero for catching up with all the lies the media keep telling in order to keep the COVID-19 pandemic panic alive and kicking?  Where are all the coronavirus patients in the Big Apple has become a significant unanswered question.  People trying to get to the truth in regards to where the virus patients are, are being cut off from Facebook and Twitter.

‘Facebook removes Project Veritas video for violating policy against coronavirus information’, (Washington Times, April 1, 2020)................Bad Boy, Jimmy, for going on the hunt for the truth. (Project Veritas)

On Laura Ingraham last week, guest Dr. William Grace had this to say: “There is no hospital in NYC that is at capacity with patients. There are no patients in the Central Park hospital. And, on that huge hospital ship that can house 1,000 patients, there are presently 3 patients total.”

“Twitter, stepping up its enforcement of misleading and harmful coronavirus-related claims, required Fox News host Laura Ingraham to delete a tweet from 10 days ago that misrepresented details of an unproven treatment for coronavirus.” (Variety, March 30, 2020).............Bad girl, Ingraham, for trying to get the truth out there about the hype the media spreads on the virus.

Numbers about COVID-19 victims are starting to add up to suspicion............To Read More....

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