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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Green New Nose Under the Tent

By Sarah Hoyt 2020-04-11

It has been my custom now for several decades when looking at some shiny new policy being proposed, some public threat that “we must all act to counter,” to stand back and ask myself “Cui Bono?” i.e. “Who does this benefit?” Additional considerations are: is this in any way effective or commensurate or even sane for the problem it purports to solve? Who is pushing for this? And what do they let slip?

Under all of those headings, I’ve been getting very worried over the response to COVID-19.

The draconian measures put in place completely out of proportion to the threat they purport to combat. Please, please, please, note that the general death rate fell before any “social distancing” measures were put in place and the Imperial College model was revised after three days of lockdown, well before it could have had any impact on infection and lethality rates, both of which are fudged anyway. We neither have enough tests to test the entire population nor are the death certificates that list COVID-19 as the cause entirely truthful.............

More than one prominent leftist had made vague noises about COVID-19 being Gaia’s punishment on us faithless disbelievers. (Including the pope, may G-d have mercy on his soul and on the Catholic church under his leadership.)

Now, we’re used to everything from asteroid strikes to the heartbreak of psoriasis being blamed on “climate change.”..............It might be too late to stop us from going Venezuela, but if we don’t try we’ll be reviled as the most cowardly and feckless generation on Earth.......To Read More...

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