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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID-Shamers And Seven Of Their Most Ridiculous Arguments

Scott Morefield Apr 13, 2020

Have you ever been COVID-shamed online? Maybe you posted pictures of you and your family at a park and got reamed by someone for not being at home. Maybe, heaven forbid, you even dared to express a view on social media that strays from the ‘accepted opinion’ of months of mandated quarantine and government-enforced shutdowns until not a single solitary individual is infected with the virus.
If the wrong people get wind you’ve expressed such an opinion, you’ll reap the whirlwind, I can promise you that. I’ve been there and done that. Fortunately, however, my work in conservative and right-of-center media gives me some pretty thick skin that makes me virtually immune to criticism. I simply don’t give a flying flip what anyone, especially the left, thinks about opinions I sincerely believe reasonable evidence suggests are correct. And that’s a good thing for you, because I’m about to tell you how to shake off their COVID-shaming stupidity like water off a duck’s back.......

“You want grandma to die.”........
“You just care about the stock market.”............
“Gazillions will die.”.......
“The virus will decide when things return to normal.”..........
“You first!”.......
“You don’t care about science.”..........
“If one life is saved it’s all worth it.”............

Their motives are suspect, their morals are lacking, and their arguments are, well, just super, super lame..............To Read More.....

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