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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

Is Maoist America Here to Stay?

April 13, 2020 By Joel Gilbert            

Here in Hollywood, where many are employed because of Chinese capital (like the good folks at the WHO), they are collectively celebrating the fact that Bill Maher's hope for a recession is here.  These leftists can hardly believe the good fortune the coronavirus is heaping upon America.  They eagerly lock themselves down while anticipating the day they can download a "GULAG" app that will allow them to snap and upload photos of anyone (like me) not obeying the latest martial law directive from Governor Gavin Newsome or Mayor Eric Garcetti, who last week promised "rewards to snitches."  Only four weeks ago, Hollywood and the left were in the throes of a three-year-long tantrum, hounding Americans with endless arguments as to why they should surrender their freedoms, constitution, money, and very lives to their control with slogans such as:
  • The sky is falling (according to our climate models)!
  • Some people make less income than others!
  • Gun violence!
  • There is free health care in Sweden!
  • Jim Crow laws were in the South back in the 1950s!
  • America is not a perfect Utopia; it's just not fair!
  • Englishmen brought slaves to North America in 1619!
All of these arguments in fact have succeeded in mobilizing large portions of the electorate to vote for Democrats and resulted in their intermittent control of the U.S. House, governorships, and even the White House.  However, after eight years of fraud and abuses of the Constitution by the Obama administration, America revolted by electing Donald Trump.  Trump proceeded to fight back, exposing every detail of the left's fraudulent arguments, reducing them to nothing but echoes in the wind...........
America has indeed surrendered to the left, without even realizing it............. what is happening today in America is the Maoist totalitarian leftist model that Barack Obama's pals in the Weather Underground preached for years............
  • Government invents and dictates laws on a daily basis as it pleases
  • Fines and imprisonment for disobeying
  • No right to assembly
  • House arrests
  • No freedom of worship
  • Total government control of the economy
  • No freedom of movement without identity papers
Does this sound familiar?............Maoism is becoming a reality for all Americans.  Leftist politicians are drooling with glee now that their collective fantasy of being elevated to leadership in a distant far-off Utopia has become a present reality. ........"Virus free" identify cards and big tech tracking schemes are being floated.  And just like in communist China, there are no checks and balances, and our courts are conveniently closed............Democrats and their media allies are doing everything they can to keep status quo Maoist America in place and will try to sabotage any attempt to eradicate the scourge......... 

Make no mistake: the dream of the Left is that the Maoist authoritarian state will never leave us.......... "Because you might catch a virus!"........To Read More....

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