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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

Behind the curtain of corona-madness

April 13, 2020 By Lloyd Marcus

Call me “Captain Obvious,” but this must be said out loud: Democrats and their fake news media enforcers cruelly created corona-madness as a weapon to further their failed transformation of America. In their dream America, government controls every aspect of our lives and the God of Christianity is banned.
Clearly, Democrats are furthering their anti-Christianity and socialist/communist agendas under the pretense of protecting Americans from a flu virus.

Health experts using models to predict catastrophic coronavirus deaths have been proven wrong; dramatically dropping from two million to around 60,000, which is the typical number of deaths during flu season. Ninety-eight percent of people who catch coronavirus recover. Yes, you heard me correctly.

And yet, fake news media and Democrats are clamoring for Trump to continue the shutdown for the next 18 months. In just a month or so, 16 million Americans applied for unemployment and 701,000 jobs have been lost. Due to coronavirus, suicide hotlines are super busy. Family fortunes are being lost..........To Read More.....

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