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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

While media were focused on mass shootings, explosive revelations about the Russia Hoax came out in a Sunday morning interview

August 5, 2019 By Thomas Lifson

Sunday morning, while the nation's eyeballs were glued to El Paso and Dayton, crucial details emerged about the vile plot executed by agents of the U.S. Intelligence Community in order to carry out the Russia Hoax. In an interview of former House member Trey Gowdy by Maria Bartiromo, we got a preview of some of the smoking guns that are contained in transcripts that remain classified — for now.

[Recall that President Trump has given Attorney General William Barr the power to declassify documents, and Barr has appointed U.S. attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate and prosecute crimes associated with the obtaining of the FISA warrants and other crimes.]

Maria Bartiromo has immersed herself in the details of the Russia Hoax and has used her weekly Fox News program, Sunday Morning Futures, to tease out details of information from current and former Republican congressmen who have seen documents and interviewed witnesses that the public has not yet had access to. The picture that emerges is ugly, indeed................. To Read More

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