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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 2, 2019

Reports: James Comey Is Torched In The Department Of Justice's IG Report On Obama-Era FISA Abuses

 Aug 01, 201 Matt Vespa

Former FBI Director James Comey may have escaped charges for leaking classified information to the public, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be torched by the pending inspector general report from the Department of Justice. It once again shoots a hole right through the Democrats’ ongoing Trump impeachment narrative that is rapidly falling apart.

Russian collusion was outright killed by the report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller, as it debunked the already unverified Trump dossier compiled by ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele. Fusion GPS hired him. And they were contracted by the Hillary Clinton campaign to get dirt of Trump. This document is the epicenter of the Trump-Russia collusion myth. Still, this report tried very hard to prove Russian collusion, but there is simply zero evidence to prove it. Period...........To Read More...

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