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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Ilhan Omar and Her Poor, Misunderstood Religion

Islam seems to be the hardest thing on earth to understand correctly.

August 5, 2019 Robert Spencer  17 

In a recent interview that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) chose to give to Al Jazeera (a network that has many times, like Omar herself, disseminated anti-Semitic propaganda), the ever-controversial Congresswoman sounded a theme that is frequently repeated in the establishment media: that Muslims must not be blamed for the actions of jihad terrorists. This claim is predicated on the assumption, almost universally accepted today, that Islam and the genuine understanding of jihad have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism, and thus cannot be held responsible for the actions of terrorists.

If this is true, however, the question is inevitable: why do so many Muslims misunderstand the tenets of their faith? Why is Islam so hard to grasp?

Omar was defending herself against charges that she had trivialized the 9/11 jihad attacks: “Those are horrific attacks. There’s no question about it, that’s not a debatable thing. Innocent Americans lost their lives that day, we all mourn their deaths … And I think it’s quite disgusting that people even question that and want to debate that.”

However, there was something more important to Omar than the deaths of innocent Americans: the image of Islam. “What is important,” she explained, “is the larger point that I was speaking to, which is about making sure that blame isn’t placed on a whole faith, that we as Muslims are not collectively blamed for the actions of terrorists,” Omar added............To Reads More....

My Take - The author goes on to say that "jihad violence runs like a scarlet thread through the history of Islam, from its very beginnings to today, without any let-up, reconsideration, or reformation."  For those of us who actually read history books there's four things about Islam that history, from the teachings of the Koran to the actions of Muhammad, and the actions of his followers over the last 1400 years, we know for sure, and that is the "true" four pillars of Islam are Hate, Lust, Greed and Violence.   Islam isn't a religion.  It's a criminal political movement masquerading as a religion. 

That's history and that history is incontestable.

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