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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 5, 2019

Can We Please Have Something Normal?

August 4, 2019 By Clarice Feldman

As is often the case, Tom Maguire speaks what many of us are thinking. This week, following the Democratic debates and a poll indicating that only 25% of Democrats want a “bold, new agenda” he tweeted:
“Per this poll, this is not a 'Time For A Change' election; It's a 'Can We Please Catch Our Breath And Have Something Like Normal For Five Minutes, Please, I'm Begging Now' election.
But Dems, transfixed by the Twitterati, aren't listening. Too bad.” ............. ..Over at the Spectator, Roger Kimball offers up a trenchant summary of the debate:
Someday, footage from the Democratic debates of 2019 will occupy a prized place in the comedy section of our cultural archives, just down the shelf from moldering copies of the Keystone Cops...............
You don’t have to take Kimball’s word for it. Mark Penn, former Bill Clinton pollster, was just as critical:
By the end of this endless debate, spooned out in one-minute dollops, I walked out with a $1,000-a-month check, an extra grand if I’m a female, untold reparations dollars if I am African American, Medicare from birth covering everything I’ll ever need until death, and the right to cross the border without any real penalty if I’m from another country. Prosecuting criminals of any kind generally got a thumbs-down, while white privilege made me immune from racist police who were painted as villains. And there will be no more pointless wars, carbon emissions will be zero by 2030, and it may take 10 years, but the government will run almost all health care..........To Read More......

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