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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Biden's Off Base on Trump and George Wallace

Editorial of The New York Sun | August 8, 2019

Vice President Biden is way off base, in our view, with his suggestion that President Trump has more in common with George Wallace than George Washington. The Democratic primary front-runner unleashed that libel in a speech Wednesday at Iowa. We’re not intending to defend Mr. Trump’s own errors. Mr. Biden, though, leaves out a lot, starting with the fact that George Wallace was a Democrat.

That was in the era when all too many Democrats were defending Jim Crow. One would think that Mr. Biden would have at least acknowledged that fact. The former veep, after all, has himself just been under fire for boasting of working together in the Senate with some of the most notorious Democratic Party segregationists, like James Eastland and Herman Talmadge............. Continue Reading

My Take - Biden is another gift that keeps on giving.  Biden is a lying dumb plagiarist, and a bumbling fool.  the best part of this is as nutty as Biden is, of all the current crop running for POTUS in the Democrat party, he's clearly the most sane in a clown car of lunatics.  As a result, he will probably get the nomination. 

Here's a cartoon I like, and I think it fits for all of these lunatics, not just Bernie. Biden is the perfect representation of everything the Democrat party is and stands for.  Nuttty, arrogant and stupid.  Just remember, you'll be okay if you don't let any of them bite you. 




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