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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, January 25, 2019

At the great Venezuelan garden party of democracy, suddenly the skunks show up

January 24, 2019 By Monica Showalter

As nation after nation followed President Trump's and Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro's lead in recognizing democratic Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's only legitimate interim president, and millions of Venezuelans marched in support, who should show up at this garden party of democracy but... Russia's Vladimir Putin, condemning the vast hemispheric shout for democracy as a sham and throwing in a threat of civil war. The skunk has landed: ...........Civil war?  Seriously?  As if he's calling for one if he doesn't get his way?

It goes to show that even as a country such as Venezuela tries to free itself from the nightmare of socialism, it has to shake off a lot of meddlesome and malevolent overseas foreign powers who are willing to use their diplomatic muscle to undermine it, and who aren't bothered by the idea of propping up a failed dictatorship.......... To Read More

My Take - The fact is the current Venezuelan government is in hock to the Russians and Chinese to to tune of billions of dollars. 

If there's a new government and they tell all the Commies to take their debt and shove it:  What are they going to do about it?  Because that's what it's going to take, just as a starter, for Venezuela to get out from the massive long term destruction Chavez and Maduro did to Venezuela.  And the Venezuelans brought it on themselves.  

The country is now in control of thugs, well armed thugs, and is in effect a massive unorganized criminal enterprise for whomever has the guns, and they're going to have to be taken care of.  And it seems to me that can't be done except through violence.  However, even if the current mess is fixed, it will take a decade for the people of this nation to recover. 

But make no mistake about this:  They brought it on themselves by listening to leftist propaganda.  And why did they buy into it?  Because the leftist social paradigm is the foundation culture of all of these countries.

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