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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Incestuous Left and Those Who Provide Cover for them (Blast From the Past)

(Editor's Note: I've been going back through my files and updating the labels, and I've come across some worthwhile articles that are still relevant today. This is one of them.  RK)
By Clarice Feldman

As the election nears, the media hype, designed to affect the results, demoralize and demonize Trump and his supporters and confirm the bias of its elite coastal consumers, continues. Saturday’s opinion-posing-as-news lead in the Washington Post says the end is near for Trump -- the polls have him down everywhere and he was booed for crass attacks at the Al Smith dinner in New York.

What do you expect from media whose reporters are literally in bed with the administration?
Not only are reporters feeding debate questions to the Clinton campaign, we have a video of one of them, Andrea Mitchell, seemingly being fed what to ask by Hillary’s traveling press secretary.

Extensive evidence from Wikileaks, FOIA responses, and “human sources” of the incestuous and improper coordination between the media and the Democrats have been detailed by Sharyl Attkisson. She concludes.......Read more:

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