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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Muslim leader from terror group CAIR blames America for terror attacks

Posted by Pamela Geller @ Atlas Shrugs

CAIR is a terrorist group. Like ISIS, Hamas, al Qaeda, et al, they blame America. How did CAIR connect with the family so quickly and hold a presser, while our dead were still being counted? Photo: The International Muslim Brotherhood’s terror leader Yusuf al Qaradawi with Hamas (CAIR) leader Hussam Ayloush in L.A. “Muslim leader from CAIR tells CNN America bears some blame for terror attacks,”, December 04, 2015: America bears some of the blame for the bloody wave of Islamic extremism that has brought terrorism to San Bernardino, Paris and locations around the world, according to a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
This was jihad terror. This was premeditated, methodical and well-planned. Obama’s jihad-free counter terror policies and jihad denial is the cause of this catastrophic intel failure. Obama has blood on his hands (adding to the rivers of blood of Christians in Syria and Iraq.)  Destroy footprint. The bombs left behind at the site  were for first responders.  “The husband and wife behind the mass shooting in San Bernardino began erasing their digital footprint a day in advance of the deadly attack, deleting email accounts, disposing of hard drives and smashing their cellphones, according to law enforcement investigators who are treating the probe as a counterterrorism case.”Police found their cellphones crushed and......
Instead of grieving our dead, “Muslim Americans fear demonization of Islam after mass shooting”
American Muslims for the umpteenth time are wailing about a fear of [non-existent] reprisals. The blood of American Christians and Jews is still on the floor and the walls of a Christmas party, and they are playing the victim. How savage.  Why aren’t American Muslims mourning our dead? Why aren’t American Muslims using their money and influence to call for an “enlightenment” in Islam, a purge of the Quran and Islamic texts and teachings that call for jihad and genocide?  Obama, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, the media (just look at these articles) — are all groveling before Islam, scrubbing and mopping up after this latest jihad attack, and still it’s not enough. Devout Muslims slaughtered innocent Americans at a........

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