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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 4, 2015

ARTICLE OF THE DAY: The Alpha Male at Bay

By J.R. Dunn

Filmmakers sometimes hit the exact correct symbol to represent an idea.That’s true of John Ford in the final scene of his masterpiece, The Searchers. Ethan Edwards, frontiersman and Civil War veteran, has succeeded in his years-long quest to rescue a young girl kidnapped by Indians and return her home. He brings her to the cabin, the family fusses over her, and all of them rush inside… All except Edwards, who remains alone, framed by the open door. With an almost childlike gesture, one arm gripping the other at the elbow, he turns away as the door, as if by the hand of God, is firmly shut……..

Alpha males are necessary and cannot be done without. At times of emergency no one is more lauded. But when the emergency is over, no one is more unwelcome than the alpha…… this has never been truer than in the West today. We live in a world run by betas and their lady friends.……Sen. Claire McCaskill’s on-air tantrum in which she called for males to “shut the hell up.”   

Pusillanimity, excuses, empty gestures -- these are the emblem of the human beta…… Bernie Sanders, Dagwood Bumstead, any given TV ad male…… males (by which she meant alphas) turn their backs on fields in which women are dominant……Anyone doubting this is invited to examine the Democratic Party….. This is clearly in play in American academia, which has been totally taken over by feminists and betas…… 

Eventually, alphas will be annoyed enough to leave their current strongholds (generally business and arts such as film and music, where swashbucklers are still admired, along with the Internet -- what are hackers but the highwaymen of old armed with mouse and modem?) to straighten things out. The question is, how much damage will occur before that happens?....To Read More…….

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