If Cat My
Doesn’t Why Should Obama and Congress? - I
live in Florida but my cat stays in Pennsylvania. Late last night I returned to
PA. to find that to the surprise of everyone concerned she had urinated on my
bed, (multiple times, necessitating my buying a new mattress, pillows, and
special laundering to insure the pheromones in her urine are removed from the
bedding to prevent her from deciding to do it again. She will not be permitted
in my bedroom ever again unless I am in town. If I am willing to take such
extraordinary steps because […]
Chicago’s ‘Black
Star Project’ Synonym for Hypocrisy - Some
things just leave you incredulous. How else can it be said when it comes to the
duplicitous standards of blacks pursuant to accountability? I have said it many
times and so I say again, black people have a definition of right and wrong
that is fluid and predicated completely upon skin color. It matters very little
to the majority of blacks what crime a black person commits or whom a black
person does harm to as long as said person is “keeping it real” and espouses
the right heterodoxy. […]
If Government
Healthcare Fails Vets – It Will Fail Us - For
those singing the praises of obamacare, I ask you this question: “If the
federal government is unable to oversee the healthcare of our veterans who
sacrificed their bodies and psychological health for their country, how can the
federal government be expected to manage the healthcare of 300 plus million
legal Americans and tens of millions of illegal aliens?” If the federal
government, i.e., congress and president, ended up with the congressional
banking scandal and the congressional post office scandal not to mention that
they bankrupted medicare, medicaid, and social […]
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