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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Scandal-palooza Just Keeps Getting Worse!

Posted on April 10, 2015 by Onan Coca52 Comments

On Wednesday Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) held a press conference to answer questions about his positions on many different issues at play on today’s American political scene. At one point one of the reporters asked him about the possibility of running against Hillary Clinton in 2016, to which Senator Paul affected a knowing grin and answered cryptically that he thought Hillary Clinton would likely have much bigger problems very soon. The reporter pressed him on that, but Senator Paul demurred and began fielding questions on other topics.  Well, just a day later, on Thursday, we may have learned about what Senator Paul was implying during his press conference.  According to an investigative report from the International Business Times…… But wait, folks. It gets worse.….. The deeper the media continues to dig into the Clinton Family finances, the more dirt they are likely to find. I think most observers would now say that Hillary Clinton is not as “inevitable” as they once thought she would be. In fact, her chances of winning the Democrat nomination seem to sink further down each day… and her chances of being President seem far lower than ever before. Perhaps the American people are finally starting to realize just how corrupt, self-serving and disgusting Bill and Hillary Clinton really are…....To Read More…



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