Poll results: A split on climate change
This week's poll drew one of the largest number of responses in its history, and ended up in nearly a dead heat. Respondents were almost evenly split between "nothing we can do" (42%) and "must take immediate, significant steps" (40%). Only 11% took neutral position that the issue needs more study. Many participants wrote in to comment that unilateral action by the U.S. would do little to solve this global issue. One commented that recent weather events debunk the view that global temperatures are rising, while another lamented the poor communication of climate science to the general public. New poll Monday.
41.97% - Climate
change is a natural cycle and there is nothing we can do about it
39.62% - The government must take immediate, significant
steps to address climate change
11.30% - Climate
change needs more study
7.10% - None of
the above/other
My Take – While it’s true that it
appears society is almost evenly split on this subject – which is amazing
considering the amount of money and hype that has been put into this global
fraud, the reality is even more amazing.
Since 11.30% and 7.10% either don’t know, think other things, or more
study is needed, that means there's another 18.40% that hasn’t been convinced the
world is being destroyed by CO2. Furthermore, they apparently aren't convinced the only answer is to destroy our economy and
lifestyle, and turn our lives totally over to a select elite group of leftists who desperately
desire to control every aspect of our lives, who claim they and only they have
the correct answers to humanities problems. Even if they’re the source of the
problems and even if the problems are nothing more than non-existent fraudulent
scare mongering. It isn't about climate, it's about control.
In short – only 39.62% are green lemmings, and a full 60.37% are either not convinced, or know it’s all horsepucky. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago they had a
huge majority as believers, but we now have the internet, and the media no
longer has total control over what people know or think. This isn't just a split! This is like a Grand Canyon in the middle of the desert, and the fraudsters know it. Otherwise they wouldn't be
harassing Lennart Bengtsson. The fact is climate science is more like political science since "true believers" in climate scientist community “believe it’s their role to pass public judgment on whether a scientific
colleague should offer advice to political, public or a campaigning
organisations and to harass that scientist until they ‘fall into line’.”
That's politics - not science!
However, they also know
that once the fraud of anthropogenic climate change is
fully embraced by humanity a more
frightening Earth wide catastrophe will occur
than has ever occurred in all of climate science history.
Their grant money will disappear!
What could be more frightening than that? They might be forced to actually
go out and get a real job and produce something of real value! I'll bet that gives them chills!
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