Re-election Of The President
When the head of the executive power is re-eligible, it
is the State which is the source of intrigue and corruption—The desire of being
re-elected the chief aim of a President of the United States—Disadvantage of
the system peculiar to America—The natural evil of democracy is that it
subordinates all authority to the slightest desires of the majority—The
re-election of the President encourages this evil.
It may be asked whether the legislators of the United
States did right or wrong in allowing the re-election of the President. It
seems at first sight contrary to all reason to prevent the head of the
executive power from being elected a second time. The influence which the
talents and the character of a single individual may exercise upon the fate of
a whole people, in critical circumstances or arduous times, is well known: a
law preventing the re-election of the chief magistrate would deprive the
citizens of the surest pledge of the prosperity and the security of the
commonwealth; and, by a singular inconsistency, a man would be excluded from
the government at the very time when he had shown his ability in conducting its
But if these arguments are strong, perhaps still more
powerful reasons may be advanced against them. Intrigue and corruption are the
natural defects of elective government; but when the head of the State can be
re-elected these evils rise to a great height, and compromise the very
existence of the country. When a simple candidate seeks to rise by intrigue,
his manoeuvres must necessarily be limited to a narrow sphere; but when the
chief magistrate enters the lists, he borrows the strength of the government
for his own purposes. In the former case the feeble resources of an individual
are in action; in the latter, the State itself, with all its immense influence,
is busied in the work of corruption and cabal. The private citizen, who employs
the most immoral practices to acquire power, can only act in a manner
indirectly prejudicial to the public prosperity. But if the representative of
the executive descends into the combat, the cares of government dwindle into
second-rate importance, and the success of his election is his first concern.
All laws and all the negotiations he undertakes are to him nothing more than
electioneering schemes; places become the reward of services rendered, not to
the nation, but to its chief; and the influence of the government, if not injurious
to the country, is at least no longer beneficial to the community for which it
was created.
It is impossible to consider the ordinary course of
affairs in the United States without perceiving that the desire of being
re-elected is the chief aim of the President; that his whole administration,
and even his most indifferent measures, tend to this object; and that, as the
crisis approaches, his personal interest takes the place of his interest in the
public good. The principle of re-eligibility renders the corrupt influence of
elective government still more extensive and pernicious.
In America it exercises a peculiarly fatal influence on
the sources of national existence. Every government seems to be afflicted by
some evil which is inherent in its nature, and the genius of the legislator is
shown in eluding its attacks. A State may survive the influence of a host of
bad laws, and the mischief they cause is frequently exaggerated; but a law
which encourages the growth of the canker within must prove fatal in the end,
although its bad consequences may not be immediately perceived.
The principle of destruction in absolute monarchies lies
in the excessive and unreasonable extension of the prerogative of the crown;
and a measure tending to remove the constitutional provisions which
counterbalance this influence would be radically bad, even if its immediate
consequences were unattended with evil. By a parity of reasoning, in countries
governed by a democracy, where the people is perpetually drawing all authority to
itself, the laws which increase or accelerate its action are the direct
assailants of the very principle of the government.
The greatest proof of the ability of the American
legislators is, that they clearly discerned this truth, and that they had the courage
to act up to it. They conceived that a certain authority above the body of the
people was necessary, which should enjoy a degree of independence, without,
however, being entirely beyond the popular control; an authority which would be
forced to comply with the permanent determinations of the majority, but which
would be able to resist its caprices, and to refuse its most dangerous demands.
To this end they centred the whole executive power of the nation in a single
arm; they granted extensive prerogatives to the President, and they armed him
with the veto to resist the encroachments of the legislature.
But by introducing the principle of re-election they
partly destroyed their work; and they rendered the President but little
inclined to exert the great power they had vested in his hands. If ineligible a
second time, the President would be far from independent of the people, for his
responsibility would not be lessened; but the favor of the people would not be
so necessary to him as to induce him to court it by humoring its desires. If
re-eligible (and this is more especially true at the present day, when
political morality is relaxed, and when great men are rare), the President of
the United States becomes an easy tool in the hands of the majority. He adopts
its likings and its animosities, he hastens to anticipate its wishes, he
forestalls its complaints, he yields to its idlest cravings, and instead of
guiding it, as the legislature intended that he should do, he is ever ready to
follow its bidding. Thus, in order not to deprive the State of the talents of
an individual, those talents have been rendered almost useless; and to reserve
an expedient for extraordinary perils, the country has been exposed to daily
Federal Courts *b
b [ See chap. VI, entitled
"Judicial Power in the United States." This chapter explains the
general principles of the American theory of judicial institutions. See also
the Federal Constitution, Art. 3. See "The Federalists," Nos. 78-83,
inclusive; and a work entitled "Constitutional Law," being a view of
the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, by Thomas
Sergeant. See Story, pp. 134, 162, 489, 511, 581, 668; and the organic law of
September 24, 1789, in the "Collection of the Laws of the United
States," by Story, vol. i. p. 53.]
Political importance of the judiciary in the United
States—Difficulty of treating this subject—Utility of judicial power in
confederations—What tribunals could be introduced into the Union—Necessity of
establishing federal courts of justice—Organization of the national
judiciary—The Supreme Court—In what it differs from all known tribunals.
I have inquired into the legislative and executive power
of the Union, and the judicial power now remains to be examined; but in this
place I cannot conceal my fears from the reader. Their judicial institutions
exercise a great influence on the condition of the Anglo-Americans, and they
occupy a prominent place amongst what are probably called political
institutions: in this respect they are peculiarly deserving of our attention.
But I am at a loss to explain the political action of the American tribunals
without entering into some technical details of their constitution and their
forms of proceeding; and I know not how to descend to these minutiae without
wearying the curiosity of the reader by the natural aridity of the subject, or
without risking to fall into obscurity through a desire to be succinct. I can
scarcely hope to escape these various evils; for if I appear too lengthy to a
man of the world, a lawyer may on the other hand complain of my brevity. But
these are the natural disadvantages of my subject, and more especially of the
point which I am about to discuss.
The great difficulty was, not to devise the Constitution
to the Federal Government, but to find out a method of enforcing its laws.
Governments have in general but two means of overcoming the opposition of the
people they govern, viz., the physical force which is at their own disposal,
and the moral force which they derive from the decisions of the courts of
A government which should have no other means of exacting
obedience than open war must be very near its ruin, for one of two alternatives
would then probably occur: if its authority was small and its character
temperate, it would not resort to violence till the last extremity, and it
would connive at a number of partial acts of insubordination, in which case the
State would gradually fall into anarchy; if it was enterprising and powerful,
it would perpetually have recourse to its physical strength, and would speedily
degenerate into a military despotism. So that its activity would not be less
prejudicial to the community than its inaction.
The great end of justice is to substitute the notion of
right for that of violence, and to place a legal barrier between the power of
the government and the use of physical force. The authority which is awarded to
the intervention of a court of justice by the general opinion of mankind is so
surprisingly great that it clings to the mere formalities of justice, and gives
a bodily influence to the shadow of the law. The moral force which courts of
justice possess renders the introduction of physical force exceedingly rare,
and is very frequently substituted for it; but if the latter proves to be
indispensable, its power is doubled by the association of the idea of law.
A federal government stands in greater need of the
support of judicial institutions than any other, because it is naturally weak
and exposed to formidable opposition. *c If it were always obliged to resort to
violence in the first instance, it could not fulfil its task. The Union,
therefore, required a national judiciary to enforce the obedience of the
citizens to the laws, and to repeal the attacks which might be directed against
them. The question then remained as to what tribunals were to exercise these
privileges; were they to be entrusted to the courts of justice which were
already organized in every State? or was it necessary to create federal courts?
It may easily be proved that the Union could not adapt the judicial power of
the States to its wants. The separation of the judiciary from the
administrative power of the State no doubt affects the security of every
citizen and the liberty of all. But it is no less important to the existence of
the nation that these several powers should have the same origin, should follow
the same principles, and act in the same sphere; in a word, that they should be
correlative and homogeneous. No one, I presume, ever suggested the advantage of
trying offences committed in France by a foreign court of justice, in order to
secure the impartiality of the judges. The Americans form one people in
relation to their Federal Government; but in the bosom of this people divers
political bodies have been allowed to subsist which are dependent on the
national Government in a few points, and independent in all the rest; which
have all a distinct origin, maxims peculiar to themselves, and special means of
carrying on their affairs. To entrust the execution of the laws of the Union to
tribunals instituted by these political bodies would be to allow foreign judges
to preside over the nation. Nay, more; not only is each State foreign to the
Union at large, but it is in perpetual opposition to the common interests,
since whatever authority the Union loses turns to the advantage of the States.
Thus to enforce the laws of the Union by means of the tribunals of the States
would be to allow not only foreign but partial judges to preside over the nation.
c [ Federal laws are those which most
require courts of justice, and those at the same time which have most rarely
established them. The reason is that confederations have usually been formed by
independent States, which entertained no real intention of obeying the central
Government, and which very readily ceded the right of command to the federal
executive, and very prudently reserved the right of non-compliance to
But the number, still more than the mere character, of
the tribunals of the States rendered them unfit for the service of the nation.
When the Federal Constitution was formed there were already thirteen courts of
justice in the United States which decided causes without appeal. That number
is now increased to twenty-four. To suppose that a State can subsist when its
fundamental laws may be subjected to four-and-twenty different interpretations
at the same time is to advance a proposition alike contrary to reason and to
The American legislators therefore agreed to create a
federal judiciary power to apply the laws of the Union, and to determine
certain questions affecting general interests, which were carefully determined
beforehand. The entire judicial power of the Union was centred in one tribunal,
which was denominated the Supreme Court of the United States. But, to
facilitate the expedition of business, inferior courts were appended to it,
which were empowered to decide causes of small importance without appeal, and
with appeal causes of more magnitude. The members of the Supreme Court are
named neither by the people nor the legislature, but by the President of the
United States, acting with the advice of the Senate. In order to render them
independent of the other authorities, their office was made inalienable; and it
was determined that their salary, when once fixed, should not be altered by the
legislature. *d It was easy to proclaim the principle of a Federal judiciary,
but difficulties multiplied when the extent of its jurisdiction was to be
d [ The Union was divided into
districts, in each of which a resident Federal judge was appointed, and the
court in which he presided was termed a "District Court." Each of the
judges of the Supreme Court annually visits a certain portion of the Republic,
in order to try the most important causes upon the spot; the court presided
over by this magistrate is styled a "Circuit Court." Lastly, all the
most serious cases of litigation are brought before the Supreme Court, which
holds a solemn session once a year, at which all the judges of the Circuit
Courts must attend. The jury was introduced into the Federal Courts in the same
manner, and in the same cases, as into the courts of the States.
It will be observed that no analogy exists between the
Supreme Court of the United States and the French Cour de Cassation, since the
latter only hears appeals on questions of law. The Supreme Court decides upon
the evidence of the fact as well as upon the law of the case, whereas the Cour
de Cassation does not pronounce a decision of its own, but refers the cause to
the arbitration of another tribunal. See the law of September 24, 1789,
"Laws of the United States," by Story, vol. i. p. 53.]
Means Of Determining The Jurisdiction Of The Federal
Courts Difficulty of determining the jurisdiction of separate courts of justice
in confederations—The courts of the Union obtained the right of fixing their
own jurisdiction—In what respect this rule attacks the portion of sovereignty
reserved to the several States—The sovereignty of these States restricted by
the laws, and the interpretation of the laws—Consequently, the danger of the
several States is more apparent than real.
As the Constitution of the United States recognized two
distinct powers in presence of each other, represented in a judicial point of
view by two distinct classes of courts of justice, the utmost care which could
be taken in defining their separate jurisdictions would have been insufficient
to prevent frequent collisions between those tribunals. The question then arose
to whom the right of deciding the competency of each court was to be referred.
In nations which constitute a single body politic, when a
question is debated between two courts relating to their mutual jurisdiction, a
third tribunal is generally within reach to decide the difference; and this is
effected without difficulty, because in these nations the questions of judicial
competency have no connection with the privileges of the national supremacy.
But it was impossible to create an arbiter between a superior court of the
Union and the superior court of a separate State which would not belong to one
of these two classes. It was, therefore, necessary to allow one of these courts
to judge its own cause, and to take or to retain cognizance of the point which
was contested. To grant this privilege to the different courts of the States
would have been to destroy the sovereignty of the Union de facto after having
established it de jure; for the interpretation of the Constitution would soon
have restored that portion of independence to the States of which the terms of
that act deprived them. The object of the creation of a Federal tribunal was to
prevent the courts of the States from deciding questions affecting the national
interests in their own department, and so to form a uniform body of
jurisprudene for the interpretation of the laws of the Union. This end would
not have been accomplished if the courts of the several States had been
competent to decide upon cases in their separate capacities from which they were
obliged to abstain as Federal tribunals. The Supreme Court of the United States
was therefore invested with the right of determining all questions of
jurisdiction. *e
e [ In order to diminish the number of
these suits, it was decided that in a great many Federal causes the courts of
the States should be empowered to decide conjointly with those of the Union,
the losing party having then a right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the
United States. The Supreme Court of Virginia contested the right of the Supreme
Court of the United States to judge an appeal from its decisions, but
unsuccessfully. See "Kent's Commentaries," vol. i. p. 300, pp. 370 et
seq.; Story's "Commentaries," p. 646; and "The Organic Law of
the United States," vol. i. p. 35.]
This was a severe blow upon the independence of the
States, which was thus restricted not only by the laws, but by the
interpretation of them; by one limit which was known, and by another which was
dubious; by a rule which was certain, and a rule which was arbitrary. It is
true the Constitution had laid down the precise limits of the Federal
supremacy, but whenever this supremacy is contested by one of the States, a
Federal tribunal decides the question. Nevertheless, the dangers with which the
independence of the States was threatened by this mode of proceeding are less
serious than they appeared to be. We shall see hereafter that in America the
real strength of the country is vested in the provincial far more than in the
Federal Government. The Federal judges are conscious of the relative weakness
of the power in whose name they act, and they are more inclined to abandon a
right of jurisdiction in cases where it is justly their own than to assert a
privilege to which they have no legal claim.
Different Cases Of Jurisdiction
The matter and the party are the first conditions of the
Federal jurisdiction—Suits in which ambassadors are engaged—Suits of the
Union—Of a separate State—By whom tried—Causes resulting from the laws of the
Union—Why judged by the Federal tribunals—Causes relating to the performance of
contracts tried by the Federal courts—Consequence of this arrangement.
After having appointed the means of fixing the competency
of the Federal courts, the legislators of the Union defined the cases which should
come within their jurisdiction. It was established, on the one hand, that
certain parties must always be brought before the Federal courts, without any
regard to the special nature of the cause; and, on the other, that certain
causes must always be brought before the same courts, without any regard to the
quality of the parties in the suit. These distinctions were therefore admitted
to be the basis of the Federal jurisdiction.
Ambassadors are the representatives of nations in a state
of amity with the Union, and whatever concerns these personages concerns in
some degree the whole Union. When an ambassador is a party in a suit, that suit
affects the welfare of the nation, and a Federal tribunal is naturally called
upon to decide it.
The Union itself may be invoked in legal proceedings, and
in this case it would be alike contrary to the customs of all nations and to
common sense to appeal to a tribunal representing any other sovereignty than
its own; the Federal courts, therefore, take cognizance of these affairs.
When two parties belonging to two different States are
engaged in a suit, the case cannot with propriety be brought before a court of
either State. The surest expedient is to select a tribunal like that of the
Union, which can excite the suspicions of neither party, and which offers the
most natural as well as the most certain remedy.
When the two parties are not private individuals, but
States, an important political consideration is added to the same motive of
equity. The quality of the parties in this case gives a national importance to
all their disputes; and the most trifling litigation of the States may be said
to involve the peace of the whole Union. *f
f [ The Constitution also says that the
Federal courts shall decide "controversies between a State and the
citizens of another State." And here a most important question of a
constitutional nature arose, which was, whether the jurisdiction given by the
Constitution in cases in which a State is a party extended to suits brought
against a State as well as by it, or was exclusively confined to the latter.
The question was most elaborately considered in the case of Chisholm v.
Georgia, and was decided by the majority of the Supreme Court in the
affirmative. The decision created general alarm among the States, and an
amendment was proposed and ratified by which the power was entirely taken away,
so far as it regards suits brought against a State. See Story's
"Commentaries," p. 624, or in the large edition Section 1677.]
The nature of the cause frequently prescribes the rule of
competency. Thus all the questions which concern maritime commerce evidently
fall under the cognizance of the Federal tribunals. *g Almost all these
questions are connected with the interpretation of the law of nations, and in
this respect they essentially interest the Union in relation to foreign powers.
Moreover, as the sea is not included within the limits of any peculiar
jurisdiction, the national courts can only hear causes which originate in
maritime affairs.
g [ As for instance, all cases of
The Constitution comprises under one head almost all the
cases which by their very nature come within the limits of the Federal courts.
The rule which it lays down is simple, but pregnant with an entire system of
ideas, and with a vast multitude of facts. It declares that the judicial power
of the Supreme Court shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under
the laws of the United States.
Two examples will put the intention of the legislator in
the clearest light:
The Constitution prohibits the States from making laws on
the value and circulation of money: If, notwithstanding this prohibition, a
State passes a law of this kind, with which the interested parties refuse to
comply because it is contrary to the Constitution, the case must come before a
Federal court, because it arises under the laws of the United States. Again, if
difficulties arise in the levying of import duties which have been voted by
Congress, the Federal court must decide the case, because it arises under the
interpretation of a law of the United States.
This rule is in perfect accordance with the fundamental
principles of the Federal Constitution. The Union, as it was established in
1789, possesses, it is true, a limited supremacy; but it was intended that
within its limits it should form one and the same people. *h Within those
limits the Union is sovereign. When this point is established and admitted, the
inference is easy; for if it be acknowledged that the United States constitute
one and the same people within the bounds prescribed by their Constitution, it
is impossible to refuse them the rights which belong to other nations. But it
has been allowed, from the origin of society, that every nation has the right
of deciding by its own courts those questions which concern the execution of
its own laws. To this it is answered that the Union is in so singular a
position that in relation to some matters it constitutes a people, and that in
relation to all the rest it is a nonentity. But the inference to be drawn is,
that in the laws relating to these matters the Union possesses all the rights
of absolute sovereignty. The difficulty is to know what these matters are; and
when once it is resolved (and we have shown how it was resolved, in speaking of
the means of determining the jurisdiction of the Federal courts) no further
doubt can arise; for as soon as it is established that a suit is Federal—that
is to say, that it belongs to the share of sovereignty reserved by the
Constitution of the Union—the natural consequence is that it should come within
the jurisdiction of a Federal court.
h [ This principle was in some measure
restricted by the introduction of the several States as independent powers into
the Senate, and by allowing them to vote separately in the House of
Representatives when the President is elected by that body. But these are
exceptions, and the contrary principle is the rule.]
Whenever the laws of the United States are attacked, or
whenever they are resorted to in self-defence, the Federal courts must be
appealed to. Thus the jurisdiction of the tribunals of the Union extends and
narrows its limits exactly in the same ratio as the sovereignty of the Union
augments or decreases. We have shown that the principal aim of the legislators
of 1789 was to divide the sovereign authority into two parts. In the one they
placed the control of all the general interests of the Union, in the other the
control of the special interests of its component States. Their chief
solicitude was to arm the Federal Government with sufficient power to enable it
to resist, within its sphere, the encroachments of the several States. As for
these communities, the principle of independence within certain limits of their
own was adopted in their behalf; and they were concealed from the inspection,
and protected from the control, of the central Government. In speaking of the
division of authority, I observed that this latter principle had not always
been held sacred, since the States are prevented from passing certain laws
which apparently belong to their own particular sphere of interest. When a
State of the Union passes a law of this kind, the citizens who are injured by
its execution can appeal to the Federal courts.
Thus the jurisdiction of the Federal courts extends not
only to all the cases which arise under the laws of the Union, but also to
those which arise under laws made by the several States in opposition to the
Constitution. The States are prohibited from making ex post facto laws in
criminal cases, and any person condemned by virtue of a law of this kind can
appeal to the judicial power of the Union. The States are likewise prohibited
from making laws which may have a tendency to impair the obligations of
contracts. *i If a citizen thinks that an obligation of this kind is impaired
by a law passed in his State, he may refuse to obey it, and may appeal to the
Federal courts. *j
i [ It is perfectly clear, says Mr.
Story ("Commentaries," p. 503, or in the large edition Section 1379),
that any law which enlarges, abridges, or in any manner changes the intention
of the parties, resulting from the stipulations in the contract, necessarily
impairs it. He gives in the same place a very long and careful definition of
what is understood by a contract in Federal jurisprudence. A grant made by the
State to a private individual, and accepted by him, is a contract, and cannot
be revoked by any future law. A charter granted by the State to a company is a
contract, and equally binding to the State as to the grantee. The clause of the
Constitution here referred to insures, therefore, the existence of a great part
of acquired rights, but not of all. Property may legally be held, though it may
not have passed into the possessor's hands by means of a contract; and its
possession is an acquired right, not guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.]
j [ A remarkable instance of this is
given by Mr. Story (p. 508, or in the large edition Section 1388):
"Dartmouth College in New Hampshire had been founded by a charter granted
to certain individuals before the American Revolution, and its trustees formed
a corporation under this charter. The legislature of New Hampshire had, without
the consent of this corporation, passed an act changing the organization of the
original provincial charter of the college, and transferring all the rights,
privileges, and franchises from the old charter trustees to new trustees
appointed under the act. The constitutionality of the act was contested, and,
after solemn arguments, it was deliberately held by the Supreme Court that the
provincial charter was a contract within the meaning of the Constitution (Art.
I. Section 10), and that the emendatory act was utterly void, as impairing the
obligation of that charter. The college was deemed, like other colleges of
private foundation, to be a private eleemosynary institution, endowed by its
charter with a capacity to take property unconnected with the Government. Its
funds were bestowed upon the faith of the charter, and those funds consisted
entirely of private donations. It is true that the uses were in some sense
public, that is, for the general benefit, and not for the mere benefit of the
corporators; but this did not make the corporation a public corporation. It was
a private institution for general charity. It was not distinguishable in
principle from a private donation, vested in private trustees, for a public
charity, or for a particular purpose of beneficence. And the State itself, if
it had bestowed funds upon a charity of the same nature, could not resume those
This provision appears to me to be the most serious
attack upon the independence of the States. The rights awarded to the Federal
Government for purposes of obvious national importance are definite and easily
comprehensible; but those with which this last clause invests it are not either
clearly appreciable or accurately defined. For there are vast numbers of
political laws which influence the existence of obligations of contracts, which
may thus furnish an easy pretext for the aggressions of the central authority.
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