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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 21, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries. 

By Rich Kozlovich


George Stephanopoulos, that mighty dwarf of ABC News, who has a show no one watches, was warned by the producer at ABC.... repeatedly.... do not use the word rape.  But Mighty George would not be deterred because  in his arrogance and stupidity he would do what he wanted because he's Mighty George, the dwarf who roars, and so he did it anyway.  Now he's outraged..... outraged I tell you.... that ABC has to shell out 15 million just to Trump, and he has to read an apology.   

Why?  Well, the rules have changed.  

First all this all goes back to the Supreme Court's decision in New York Times vs. Sullivan, which decided the media had special rights not available to the rest of the nation, and can't be sued for libel or defamation unless the claimant could prove, "actual malice".  Meaning the claimant had to show they deliberately stated a falsehood knowing it was false, showing "reckless disregard for the truth".  That's the rocky shore all these kind of lawsuits crashed on.  Almost impossible to prove.   

I would like to point out nowhere in the Constitution do the word's "actual malice" appear, and nowhere in the Constitution does it give special privileges for the press to lie that's any different than the liability any citizen would face for libel or defamation of character.   SCOTUS  made it all up, as they've done for decades with their, "It Really is Time to Revisit New York Times v. Sullivan, and it seems there's a movement afoot for SCOTUS to do so.  Long overdue. 

But the left .... as usual.... corrupted and abused the system deciding that if they couldn't take out their enemies in the public arena, they'd take them out financially with lawfare.   Criminal charges with twisted and illegal "legal" maneuvers, and corrupt civil suits amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties, all promoted by corrupt prosecutors, and judges.  Well, that scheme is coming back to haunt them.  What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and that sauce is called "discovery", and it seems likely ABC wanted to avoid that at all costs.  

Discovery is a process where you can depose individuals, demand written answers to questions, and demand the production of documents. Those documents could’ve been very, very embarrassing. People put the most horrendous and incriminating things in writing, and that’s all discoverable. The deposition of the tiny TV man would’ve been glorious. Discovery can be a fishing expedition........and who knows what all their documents, e-mails, texts, and voicemails.... might have shown.....  A lot of people have told the same lie as George Stephanopoulos and a whole bunch of other lies as well, and I look forward to many, many more lawsuits in courthouses out in red America.

And now Fani Willis has been kicked off her fraudulent case, and the left is unglued.  If a sane prosecutor is appointed, he'll dismiss that case as having no merit.  Willis is heading into a maelstrom of trouble, (more here, and here) and I'm expecting to see a massive broad based RICO investigation of all these cases based on the legal concept of "deprivation of rights", since this clearly was election interference, and it's becoming clear this was a nationwide conspiracy to destroy Trump and his associates in a deliberate and illegal attempt to interfere with the election.  

"Discovery" is on it's way, and if there's any justice in America,  a lot of prominent people are going to end up in jail, including Willis.  There's now ample evidence the Biden DOJ is not only corrupt but is pure evil:

"If there is anything Americans have learned from the horrific four years of the Biden administration, it is that our government and its institutions operate as any mafia or crime family organization does".  

Mike Johnson has turned out to be a major disappointment, and it's now pretty clear he's nothing more than a flunky for the Democrats promoting a massive funding continuing resolution that's nothing more than a wish list for the Democrats, and it's corrupt beyond belief. 

Perhaps Johnson needs an epiphany, and reading this piece might be a good start. The Case for Eliminating Property Taxes: What North Dakota’s Vote Means for True Homeownership.... "Eliminating property taxes, or better yet income taxes, makes a state an attractive destination. But neither works without spending cuts."

and rightly so. He needs to be dumped as Speaker, and primaried the next election, and he's not alone among the Republicans.   

In November, the House Republicans voted to keep Johnson as Speaker for another two years, and Trump supported that, so I don't know what can be done.   

Johnson is a disgrace, he even helped save a RINO who voted to impeach Trump, so why Trump supported him is beyond me, but this bill is causing that support at all levels to crumble.  And it appears there's another vote for Speaker on January 3rd, so, we'll see if they've learned their lesson and choose Ohio Representative Jim Jordan as Speaker.  That would change everything.

Is there a floor fight in the offing?  I think so, even as feckless as the Republicans are, this may be the step too far.  Just how bad is that spending bill? Elon brings the receipts,....

"Elon Musk exposed waste galore in the 1,500-page omnibus spending bill, and it's having an impact....." 

This Continuing Resolution is as vile and gutless as every other CR that's been passed, and probably worse.

Can anyone tell me if the term continuing resolution appears in the Constitution?  It doesn't, however, the word budget does appear and the Constitution requires the Congress to produce a budget every year, not a continuing resolution.  If that means the government shuts down, so be it.  Does it really matter?  No, what they've fallaciously called a "shut down" for years isn't a "shut down" and costs America's economy almost nothing.  America will survive it, but will "No Guts No Glory" Speaker Johnson survive? 

Ask yourself, this.  Why is it all these massive CR bills, that no one can possibly read before the vote are always offered at the last minute instead of weeks before where they could be debated and fought over?   Now that's the easiest question to answer of them all.  Because it's a corrupt scam!  

Schumer, McConnell, Johnson, and Jeffries secretly worked on this $1.7 trillion CR for over 85 days, and now at the last minute want to sneak it though before the Holidays with a pass it or shut down scare.   It's  all a scam to intimidate the weak minded invertebrates into a "do it or else " scenario, and Speaker Johnson was part and parcel of that corruption or this would have never occurred.  He's as bad as was Kevin McCarthy, and should be ousted for the same reasons McCarthy was ousted.

Well, as for me, I prefer the "or else" option.  Let the government "shut down".  

Let's try and get this right once, just once, please.  The government does not shut down!  That's just the emotional hook the media uses to scare America into allowing Congress to pass bills that are vile.   Money is pouring into the government daily, and based on the yearly intake of 4.5 trillion dollars, that comes in to the tune of over 12 billion dollars a day seven days a week, and they're spending that money, and Social Security payments will be made. 

Republicans are willing to pass a clear CR, meaning dumping a lot of pork and vile components of this bill, including a massive pay raise for themselves, and protecting themselves from investigations into any of their bad behavior.  But the Democrats will oppose any ‘clean’ funding bill, and if the government shuts down, they'll blame the Republicans because the Pravda media will scream that to high heaven.  But no one is listening to them these days, so....who cares?   Shut it down... and do it on Biden's time. Oh, one more thing.  In the bill that passed, all that money designated to help farmers, 80% of it is funding for food stamps’, and I'm betting a huge chunk of that will go to illegal aliens.

Here's another thing we need to get right.  Definition leads to clarity, and while the election was won, the war hasn't been won.  This CR bill is an excellent example of just how true that is, exposing just how gutless and corrupt the Republicans really are.   Here was my November 14th analysis on how and why the Democrats will still control Congress, as Republicans excel at only one thing:  Snatching Defeat Out of the Jaws of Victory

Well, it's now Saturday morning, and late yesterday Johnson caved, and the government won't be shut down.   As far as I'm concerned anything other than forcing a shutdown is a failure, but if I'm reading this correctly this bill has been massively cut down, (those 1500 pages were quickly whittled down to 116), and is far better than what they started out with, and if you think passing a bill in the first place was a good thing, then Johnson did as well as could be expected, and if he's started with this, and did it in the open instead of conniving in secret with the Schumer, McConnell, and Jeffries, he would have look like a real leader, but not now, the history of his actions are against him.  Will it save his Speakership.  I don't think so. At any rate, the Senate passed this bill at one in the morning today, but as of 6:39 AM Biden has yet to sign it, so technically the government is shut down.

Let's not delude ourselves here,  the only ones coming out of this with a win are RINO's and Democrats, as House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries says, "they 'defeated' Elon Musk and Donald Trump with the current spending bill - Punchbowl", and all the Democrats voted for it.  You may hate the vile rule of Democrats but they know how to rule.  This merely further exposes the deep philosophical problems that exist in the Republican party, and as I point out in the 2021 article, that problem has existed among Republicans forever.  

If you want victory, then unity of thought is an absolute, but the Republicans are not unified, and they're not a conservative party.  They just happen to be the only port in the storm for conservatives, and conservatives need to purge the party and make it a conservative party, just as the left as taken over the Democrat party and made it a solidly socialist party of treason. 

Make no mistake, Congress is deeply divided because the nation is deeply divided.  Here's what millions of Americans believe:

There's been a lot of talk that Trump can't fire Biden appointees, and as I understand it there are thousands of them.  But Biden fixed that when he fired Sean Spicer:

"as they were forced to argue in the affirmative that they had the ultimate authority to fire anybody at any time, which they did. And the court accepted that. So the Biden administration is now on record in court, and the court agreed that the president had absolute authority to fire anyone he wants...."

To most of America it was obvious Biden was lost in a haze most of the time from the very beginning of his run for President, and it was well known he was as dumb as dirt before that.  But everyone on the left insisted he was just as sharp as a tack, and guess what, as it turns out The Dems Lied Through Their Teeth About Biden's Senility.  Democrats lied!  Imagine that!  I have to say, I'm just gonna have to channel Captain Renault here saying: I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!  

C'mon man, if Biden's lips are moving, he's lying, as in Biden's claim he toppled Syria's Assad.   There's only one problem with that, and that problem's called truth, something Biden's amazingly allergic to.   The reality is Biden wanted to save Assad, and his administration is filled with equally despicable anti Israel, antisemitic actors, and does anyone know why there were 1000 American troops in Syria, whose responsible for that, and why the media isn't asking?

This meme by the left that immigration made America great, is a logical fallacy.   This is the story that needs telling over and over again as it's the history of so many families. Poor hard working immigrants who came here to build a better future for their children and grandchildren and worked hard for it, often suffering in the process.

But it wasn't immigration that made America great, it was the American value system these immigrants embraced that made America great. A greatness they believed in and wanted to be a part of.  A greatness they could pass along with their children and grand children.  

This is the first P&D I've published in two weeks, as I've had some health issues and I'm just now coming out of the haze my mind has been in, so, I only have two commentaries of my own, both of which were published before this, including my annual article that eviscerates the Theory of Evolution.  

I have a number of authors who send me articles regularly, and since I didn't publish anything for so many days, and my last P&D was on November 30, I had a back log of articles sent to me. As a result there are a lot of commentaries from a few writers, going back to December 2nd.  All profound and provocative, all 40 of them.

One last thing.  I've been reading Barbara W. Tuchman's, "The March of Folly, From Troy to Vietnam, where she asks why so many leaders, religious and secular, make decisions that are so obviously detrimental to the societies they're leading.  This spending insanity is just one example of how the leaders, both religious and secular, are destroying western civilization.  It's worth your time. 

Have a great weekend, and my very best wishes to "all people of good will."

My Commentaries

  1. Hollywood is Just a Big Masquerade
  2. Shall Every Knee Bow


  1. Alvin Bragg’s Final Gambit By Mark Angelides
  2. From the Back Forty: Biden Celebrates as the Crazy Bubbles Over By Sarah Cowgill
  3. The Obama Pyramid is the Heart of Darkness By Susan Daniels
  4. Trust Your Lawyer or Don't By Susan Daniels
  5. Trump Administration energy and climate policy imperatives By Paul Driessen
  6. International and State Interference in US Energy Policy Must End By Paul Driessen
  7. Joe Biden’s Legacy Hits the Wall By Tim Donner
  8. Critically Thinking about the FDA By John Droz, Jr.
  9. Rudyard Kipling's Words of Wisdom By John Droz, Jr.
  10. The True Cost of Wind Energy By John Droz, Jr.
  11. Media Balance Newsletter, December 9, 2024 By John Droz, Jr.
  12. Critically Thinking about Eric Hoffer: 1 and 2 By John Droz, Jr.
  13. Critically Thinking about the US Department of Education, What is the best path forward for this troubled agency?  By John Droz, Jr.
  14. Trouble in Paradise: GOP Faces Desertion, Mutiny, and a Shutdown By James Fite
  15. White House Islamophobia Strategy Says Muslims Were the Real Victims of Oct 7th  By Daniel Greenfield
  16. We Hate Them. Why Won’t They Vote for Us?  By Daniel Greenfield
  17. Mass Deportations Would Save Americans $62 Billion a Year  By Daniel Greenfield
  18. "The Most Lawless Administration in History" By Robin Itzler 
  19. Events Here and Around the World By Robin Itzler 
  20. Communist California  By Robin Itzler 
  21. Democrat Finger Pointing Continues By Robin Itzler 
  22. Resistance to the Resistance By Robin Itzler 
  23. The Biden Crime Family  By Robin Itzler 
  24. Happy Hear Year! By Robin Itzler 
  25. Republican Senators Allow Radical Judges  By Robin Itzler 
  26. Experience Only Demanded For Trump Nominees By Robin Itzler 
  27. Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement And De-Banking By Francis Menton
  28. How The Régime Treats Is Enemies, And Its Friends By Francis Menton
  29. A Safe Bet: Politicized Consensus "Science" Is Wrong By Francis Menton
  30. Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement: What Happened To Due Process Of Law? By Francis Menton
  31. The Case for Capitalism, Part VII By Dan Mitchell
  32. The Worst Statistics from America’s Worst City By Dan Mitchell
  33. France and Fiscal Suicide, Part II By Dan Mitchell
  34. The OECD Pushes Higher Taxes for High-Tax Greece
  35. Louisiana Joins the Flat Tax Club By Dan Mitchell
  36. Advice for DOGE: Fiscal Federalism By Dan Mitchell
  37. Assessing Javier Milei, the World’s Best Leader: Part V By Dan Mitchell
  38. Understanding Consumer Spending and the Economy By Dan Mitchell
  39. Healthcare, Government, and Insurance Companies By Dan Mitchell
  40. US Crosses $36 Trillion National Debt Milestone – Swamponomics By Andrew Moran

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth!  You can suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because truth and time are on the same side.
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  1. Robin - Patriot NeighborsDecember 21, 2024 at 4:33 PM

    I was astounded that House Speaker Mike Johnson thought he could pass that 1,500-pork-filled CR! The Paul Ryan clone has greatly disappointed so many Patriots. But with such a thin majority, can Republicans elect any speaker? Do we want a circus again?
    But the good thing about this incident is that the American people understand why DOGE is so important. Hundreds of pages filled with money for this, money for that, and much of it for crap!
    Counting the days until January 20!
