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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 1, 2024

Kakistocracy: We are Ruled by Charlatans, Knaves, and Fools, Part IV

Kakistocracy is a system of government run by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state!

By Rich Kozlovich 

See Part I, Part II, Part III

History is a paved walkway leading to the stepping stones of the future.  Without history we're walking through a foggy dark forest without direction.  That's a known quality, yet we see so many "leaders" taking a path that contravenes the all lessons of history.  Why?  Because they ignore the things they know and make up things they don't know.  In short, if it doesn't fit the leftist agenda and narrative, no matter how stupid that narrative may be, it's ignored.   But there are consequences for that.

 Let's start with California. 

Beginning today, Governor  Newsom is offering free health insurance  to anyone who gets there, including illegal immigrants, and that's who he's targeting. This expected expansion will directly impact American citizens of California, and there's no money to pay for it. 

In  L.A. County they believe in and practice "pandemic forever", mandating masks.  We now know masks don't work, that's now indisputable.  I said that from the beginning and got a lot of heat about it, yet time and truth are on the same side, and the bug man was right again.  Imagine that!

Crime in California is rampant, so what does California do?  They expanded their "Gun-Free Zones" in spite of the fact it violates the Supreme Court rulings in this issue.  As always, obedience to the Constitution and the Supreme Court is absolute for the left, unless either or both violate the sacred tenets of leftism, then the Tenth Amendment is supreme.  And with the left that's like a reversible jacket, they'll happily take the opposite tack when it suits them.  The moral foundation of leftism is as solid as quicksand.  This is also taking place in Washington state. 

As bad as prices for everything in California already are, the price of food is going to be like a missile attack.  Today, California's new animal welfare laws take effect, and since farmers out of the state of California wish to be in that market, they'll comply and that will impact food prices all over the nation. 

Green energy will bring 100 carbon neutral by 2045, but it won't bring electricity, which they're already having to buy from out of state producers, and doing so massively.  Prices on everything will go up. 

  • California to become reliant on green energy and becoming 100 percent carbon neutral by 2045, thousands of workers will be hit with the high cost of electric-powered tools.  Starting next year, California will ban the sale of any gas-powered lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, and yard care equipment.  Also in Michigan.   
  • Mandates to stores to sell gender neutral toys, or else.
  • No gas powered lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, yard equipment, or appliances

And you had better not criticize California politicians like the Mayor of San Francisco who went full Mao.

Didn't Mao celebrate his 130th birthday this week?  That certainly seems to be what they were celebrating in San Francisco, where political goons aligned with London Mayor London Breed forced an Asian-American rapper to apologize, in the most grovelling way possible, for creating a rap video critical of Mayor Breed, on whose watch the city has turned into a dump.

She demanded an apology, and got it because of threats of violence by the black leadership in San Francisco.  And that's a surprise?  

California's leaders truly exemplify a kakistocracy, and the consequences of this? They're driving people, taxpaying people, out of the state.  For this year alone about 300,000 left California.  That was as predictable as night follows day.  

 The Biden administration is the major force behind this destructive effort that can only be called treasonous.  They're doing everything they can to destroy the coal, oil, natural gas suppliers in the nation.  Yet they've grovelled to Venezuela begging them to sell their high contamination oil to America.  How insane is that?  And now we see clearly insanity is infectious as the King of Jordan claims Palestinians are on the front lines of climate change.   No, they're on the front line for the genocide of Jews and Christians. 

At COP 28 world leaders pulsated in terror over the upcoming disaster of climate change, and how the world's security depended on dealing with it...and now!!!!  Canada is mandating that only zero-emission vehicles be sold by 2035. 

And that paragon of efficiency and competence, Pete Buttigieg claims America will be totally in on electric vehicles, even though no one is buying them.   The history of mandates and subsidies for the non traditional electricity industry has been bankruptcy.  Is there any reason to believe that will change in the future.  No!  As the author points out:

Electric Bus maker Proterra, a company Joe Biden lauded as the future, went bankrupt in 2022, going the way of Solyndra and many other Obama/Biden green fantasies, taking untold taxpayers billions with them.

We have government criminal agencies acting criminally, as now it's been proven the FBI has been abusing it authority targeting Catholics "as potential domestic terrorists,"  which the FBI called radical-traditionalist Catholics. Which they couldn't define, but if you're Catholic and you really like to old Latin mass, that's evidence of your radical potential for terrorism.  At least to the FBI.  

Educators are peddling porn in the schools, and the federal government is running a block for them

The Deep State has been working to sexualize children for decades; in recent years these efforts have become increasingly pathological.  Yes, parents have every right to protest books in schools that are plainly pornographic; these books are unsuitable for adults, much less for grade-school children.  This Book is Gay is available throughout the United States, and gives details on how to find homosexual partners online; its glossary provides the terms for “licking the bottom” and ingesting feces, and advises children about anal and oral sex.  Gender Queer includes photos of sexual acts between a boy and a man, and illustrations of masturbation and oral sex.  Beyond Magentaincludes passages about a six-year-old little boy performing oral sex on other little boys and talking to ‘pedophiles’ who masturbated in front of him.”  It also claims a 6-year-old “can enjoy performing oral sex on an adult” without it having anything to do with pedophilia.  There are countless other “award-winning best sellers” catering to depraved educators, but space is limited.

 Pope Francis has now given his imprimatur on same-sex marriage, saying:

Blessings require both “the right intention of those who participate” and “that what is blessed be objectively and positively ordered to receive and express grace, according to the designs of God inscribed in creation,” stated the text, published with the express approval of Pope Francis.

America's foreign policies are so blatantly stupid it's mind boggling, and if there ever was evidence of historical ignorance Secretary of State Blinken is the perfect example, and truth be told, many Republicans aren't any better, like Senator Graham who claims Israel will "have" to accept a two state solution.  Really?  What if Hamas won't accept that?  Israel offered that in the past and it was rejected. That dog just won't hunt, and Graham is an idiot.  He's 68 years old and has been in the Senate since 2003, and he didn't learn anything in all those years!   How dumb can that man be?  Well, apparently they answer is there's no limit.  

We're seeing a real revolution taking place in America, and it's being conducted by the Biden Administration and the traitorous minions of the Deep State.  It's called unbridled illegal immigration, which is going to cause massive public health issues.  As Mike McDaniel notes in his article, Disease is diverse and inclusive too, saying:

The flood of illegal immigrants has brought with it human trafficking, rampant crime, known terrorists, sexual slavery, pedophilia, the drug deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, has enriched cartels beyond their wildest dreams and oh-so-much more. Another diverse and inclusive import is third-world diseases once all but eradicated in America. It’s becoming rather noticeable:... tuberculosis.....polio.....shigella......

And now all those arrogant, self righteous "sanctuary" Democrats are crying, this is a crisis, with Chicago mayor threatening the owners of busses and plane bringing these criminal to his city, a sanctuary city.   Now, that's really nervy, don't you think?

Well, Texas Gov. Abbott  thinks these 'sanctuary" hypocrites need to live up to their rhetoric, and keeps sending them to these cities and states, and now they're outraged.  Imagine that.  And who's fault is all of this?  Well, it's clearly Trump's fault, along with Republicans, MAGA "extremists", whites, and conservatives, but Joe Biden, the architect of this disaster is blameless.  After all, it's never the failure of leftists and their insane policies.    As the Church Lady on Saturday Night Live used to say when confronting hypocrisy:  Well, isn't that special? 

Oh, wait, I forgot, that was for conservative hypocrites, especially if they were Christians,  not leftist hypocrites, especially if they were heretics like Biden and Pelosi, or atheists.

But then again, can an atheist be a hypocrite?  Since they subscribe to no moral value, I guess not, and how many Democrat politicians are atheists?  I'm betting based on what they support and the way they act, it's most of them.  And the same question should be asked of journalists.  Hypocrisy isn't their problem, blatant corrupt is however. 

We're abandoning our obligations to our veterans who earned those benefits with their service, so many of them putting their lives on the line, and yet for decades they've catered to criminals.  Yes, that's what illegal aliens are, criminals.  And spending taxpayer dollars on ballroom dance programs to 'uplift transgender' youth in Peru. They can't afford to take care of our veterans yet these misfits are spending money like drunken sailors.  In Hawaii they spent $53.7 million dollars on a "temporary school".   How much would a permanent school cost? We're seeing the total destruction of the rule of law and abuse of the legal system, and judges are part and parcel of that corruption, as they twist know laws in ways unheard of to prevent Trump from running for President. 
More than a few Republicans are totally on board with that. Liz Cheney claims Donald Trump would destroy the Republic, and Paul Ryan caught trying to steer endorsements to Nikki Haley.  Mitt Romney has one passion, do everything he can to destroy Donald Trump.  Then there's  RINO New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu who claims Nikki Haley will win the New Hampshire primary over Trump because that's what he sees taking place in his state.  How conservative is this nitwit brigade?   Haley claims to be a "conservative Republican" has the same problem on abortion as she has on all issues.  
She prefers tweaking over inflexibility, firmness, and clarity.  She can a tweak a little here, and tweak a little there, and the first thing you know we have another John Kasich, who declared he can define conservatism as he sees fit.  And his brand of conservatism fit right in with the tyrannical big government leftists.  So too would Haley if elected.  If that nitwit brigade is for her, no sane conservative could possibly be for her. 
Trump Derangement Syndrome is caused by an incurable case of delusion and stupidity compounded by a massive infection of hubris.  An affliction fools suffer who actually think people care what they think. 

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