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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, January 19, 2024

My Gazette: Going Green

If it's Green, it isn't Gold.  Going Green is Another Term For Corruption, Hypocrisy, Lies and Insanity.

By Rich Kozlovich 

Growing up in South West Pennsylvania I saw pollution from the coal mines and coke ovens that was massive, and as a result, for many years I considered myself an environmentalist. That was a failure in definition on my part.  I considered justifiable concern about the environment meant being an environmentalist. How foolish I was. Environmentalists merely used that to disguise the real definition of organized environmentalism.

Green on the outside, and red on the inside.

After I became an exterminator, I wanted to make sure what I was doing wasn’t harmful to society and the environment, which meant doing a lot or research on pesticides, especially DDT.  What I found very quickly was if the greenies and/or leftists were for something, that was more than enough justification to be against it. From that point on I started writing about what I discovered in defense of my industry.

Everything you’ve been told about DDT and pesticides in general is a lie. The green/left nitwit brigade have tools they use consistently. Lies of commission, lies of omission, logical fallacies, speculation, and projection.  Nothing has changed, except I think far more people see them for who and what they really are now.

 On January 2, 2024, Jack Hellner published this article, The media and other green pushers clearly don't care about killing wildlife or the truth, saying:

Instead of the media blaming wind turbines for killing whales and dolphins, they blame conservatives for pointing it out. According to the Daily Signal:  Associated Press Gets It Wrong: Wind Farm Contractors Acknowledge Turbines Harm Dolphins, Whales........There is a sad story in USA Today that a bald eagle that had a gunshot wound had to be put down. They correctly said it was an inhumane act that killed the eagle:. .............Yet we never see stories about how inhumane it is that wind turbines are allowed to kill thousands of eagles without many if any repercussions. The green pushers are allowed to kill eagles and other wildlife because they are supposedly saving the planet from climate change............  

Remember DDT? It was banned because it was allegedly killing the avian life of North America, especially the Bald Eagle.  And that was a lie, a lie that's still being perpetrated.  
1940s ad extolling the virtues of DDT
This picture to the right was featured in an article entitled, "What Were We Thinking? "The Top 10 Most Dangerous Ads", with the subtitle, "A look back at 10 colossally painful advertisements." 
Some of the stuff they point out is right on, but let's face it, they're wrong about DDT, because DDT was the greatest chemical compound ever created for the benefit of mankind.  It was good for everyone, and everything, except for bugs, especially mosquitoes, and everything you "know" about DDT is a lie.   
In spite of the claims in this article, DDT wasn't dangerous to the "nervous, immune, endocrine, and neurological systems." Nor did it have a "devastating influence on the natural environment." 
The fact is DDT was a weapon of mass survival, and saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people, the avian population actually increased during the DDT years, including the Bald Eagle, and the robin, which Rachel Carson claimed was going to go extinct, was the most populace bird in North America. Avian life was 19 times higher during the peak DDT years, and Rachel Carson had to know that because she was a writer for the Wild Life Service and every year she viewed and reported on the December Audubon Society's winter report showing that. 
Rachel Carson's science fiction book Silent Spring was blatantly false, and she knew it.  She was the mother of junk science, and that pattern of lies of commission, lies of omission, misdirection, speculation, and out right fraud has been the pattern of the green movement ever since.  
When one takes a good look at the claims of the green movement we find the rank and file, mostly useful idiots, really aren't so much concerned about the environment, as they're concerned about eliminating humanity.  The leadership is only concerned about using the fear mongering that movement can generate to attain unwholesome amounts of power, privilege, and money.   And make no mistake, none of their schemes will apply to them, and have no illusions, they will claim everything causes catastrophic climate change, including houseplants. Everything except what they're doing. 
Javier Milei, President of Argentina, made it clear at the latest Davos meeting - January 18, 2024 By Olivia Murray - Idle hands are the devil’s playground, and who has a more frivolous existence than a leftist working at the behest of any one of the West’s federal governments? Case in point: Justin Trudeau and his thumb-twiddling comrades. They are running out of private affairs in which to meddle; they’ve already socialized all the industries; baby murder is everywhere (and snowballing); and the unalienable “rights” of the people are all but dead. What else could they possibly find to do? Well, idle hands are drawn to mischief like a moth to the flame, and Canada’s federal government is now pursuing the ideas of creating a “net zero” military. As reported by Rebel News yesterday:..............
Here's what they're up to. 
The farmer protests that changed the Dutch government have come to Germany-  January 13, 2024 By Andrea Widburg - The mainstream media is assiduously ignoring a fascinating story: German farmers are doing what Dutch farmers did last year; namely, rising up in a massive protest against their country’s globalist, climate change policies. With luck, these protests will have the same outcome, which was a massive shift to conservativism in the Dutch government during the last election. Modern Germany is, in some ways, a very weird country thanks to the legacy of WWII. Its citizens have grown up in the shadow of their collective guilt for the Holocaust, along with the 80 million or so other deaths the Nazi war sparked. They are, in many ways, a very self-apologetic, self-loathing people.............
Anthropogenic Climate Change
The complete fantasy of climate science - January 10, 2024 By Andrea Widburg - One of the things to remember about climate change madness is that it has all the scientific validity of the flat earth theory or the ancient medical belief in humors. That is to say, it’s a sealed universe driven by self-reinforcing faith and fantasy without any serious reality attached. The last two days have brought two new examples of the delusions and outright lies that drive the climate change narrative.  On the delusion side, we have Axios’s horror that the earth is within 1.5 degrees of the global warming limit set at the Paris Climate Accords, paired with its assurance that (and I’m quoting more accurately than Claudine Gay ever would), “The climate of 2023 was the hottest seen in at least 125,000 years…” (Emphasis mine.)..........
Does the Earth have a fever? Is it boiling? Have we hit the tipping point? The answer is clearly no - January 13, 2024 By Jack Hellner -The public is constantly being told that the Earth is the warmest it has ever been. And that warming is being caused by humans, our use of natural resources, and CO2. 
And the solution for the media and other Democrats is the same as the solution for all problems: We need a bigger government, with higher taxes and more regulations and of course, the government has to be run by Democrats. We need to give up our gas-powered cars, furnaces, gas stoves, and appliances before it is too late. Something that never gets in their way as they push this green agenda are facts..........
Media members panic with the record cold, worry it will derail ‘warming’ tale - January 18, 2024 By Jack Hellner - The media agents can’t stand the thought of people seeing and experiencing the record cold in the United States, because they’re worried it will have an effect on the everyday person’s willingness to believe the scam that the earth is warming—so they put out this piece of propaganda:

US in deep freeze while much of the world is extra toasty? Yet again, it’s climate change

Wind chills in parts of North Dakota reached minus 70 degrees (minus 56 degrees Celsius), while the heat index in Miami was more than 160 degrees warmer at 92 (33 degrees Celsius). The fourth-coldest NFL football game took place in Kansas City, while across the globe the thermometer hit a blistering 92 degrees, 12 degrees (6.8 degrees Celsius) warmer than average on Friday during tennis’ Australian Open in Melbourne. Warm temperature records fell overnight in Aruba, Curacao, parts of Argentina, Oman and Iran.

If it seems as if the world has gone topsy-turvy, in a way it has. Because this all comes from what’s happening in the Arctic, where it used to be warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Now, it’s warming three to four times faster.

Hint: If all the things we are told cause warming, actually did, it would be warming everywhere. You wouldn’t have record cold temperatures across different climates and regions...........

Electric Vehicles

So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from it January 19, 2024 By Jack Hellner - The federal government essentially has ordered electric car companies to commit fraud.  Here's the headline: The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal, A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are. Here's what's from the article:..............These are the worthless carbon credits that companies such as Tesla got rich selling to companies like GM and Ford so they could pretend to reduce the carbon from their highly profitable gas guzzling trucks and SUVs. Democrats claim they care about the poor and middle class but the poor have been screwed for years to pay more for their gas-powered vehicles to cover the massive losses from selling inefficient, expensive, impractical vehicles powered by the highly flammable pollutant lithium that the green pushers want to force all of us to buy. ..............

The Electric Car Con Explained - William Levin There is no factual basis to claim that the government man - January 11, 2024 By William Levin - Is electricity a source of energy? Most people will answer yes, which is incorrect. Electricity carries energy but it is not itself a source of energy, which in the U.S. is supplied 60% by natural gas and coal, 18% nuclear and 22% renewables (hydro, solar and wind). The related question is whether cars are a major consumer of energy and hence a significant contributor of Co2 emissions? Again, most people believe both statements are self-evidently true, hence the importance of moving to electric cars. In fact, cars (light-duty transportation) account for less than 5% of global energy demand, with U.S. cars accounting for 19% of the global car fleet, declining to under 15% by 2050 as car demand grows faster outside the U.S.   Putting these facts together, and they are indisputable facts, provides a stunning insight................ In other words, there is no factual basis to claim that the government mandate to switch to electric cars will have any material impact on global Co2 emissions..........

Hertz backpedals… again… and announces plan to sell off EV fleet and purchase gas vehicles -
Why Electric Vehicles Have a Reduced Range in the Cold - , As subzero temperatures slam the U.S., electric vehicle drivers are learning their cars’ batteries don’t perform well in the cold. Some charging stations in cities like Chicago have become EV graveyards with long lines of Teslas that won’t start. “It’ll drain pretty fast. This cold is brutal. It’s draining the battery, I can’t even get inside the car,” said EV driver Wes France. “My battery drained down to five percent, which is faster than normal. Long story short, here I am, I have to tow it out this way.”...........
Chicago becomes a ‘graveyard’ littered with corpses of ‘dead robots’ - January 16, 2024 By Olivia Murray - As the late great John Wayne purportedly said, “Life’s hard; it’s even harder when you’re stupid.” The Midwest, accustomed to brutal winters, has been hit by an especially “bitter” storm; Chicago in particular is dealing with temperatures as low as the negative 20s and 30s, and a high of… one whole whopping degree. Now, as anyone with even the slightest bit of awareness could have told you, E.V.s were not going to perform… like at all, in this kind of weather. But then again, are the people buying these cars really doing so with any awareness? Arguably no, which is presumably why they actually relied on their vehicles for transportation, and were genuinely shocked to discover how truly unreliable the E.V. design is; read below, reported by a Fox News outlet based in Chicago:..........
My Take - Chuckling. I'm really enjoying all this. Is that being mean? Yep, and I'm really enjoying all this, and I don't care. Those who wrote about this from the beginning, and were called Luddites, deniers, and worse, have the right to enjoy this. Maybe all that smug, arrogant self righteousness will keep them warm? Oh, wait, that's all frozen now.  Schadenfreude!
Electric buses: another bankrupt green boondoggle  -January 9, 2024 By Mike McDaniel - Electric buses are just like electric passenger vehicles: they’re not ready for prime time, only more so. Proterra buses are a case in point. Cities that wasted money on them found they had far less range then advertised. They commonly couldn’t complete even short, flat routes specifically designed for them. The enormous weight of their batteries cracked frames, and getting parts from the factory was virtually impossible. But to make up for their failures, they were far more expensive than reliable diesel buses. Proterra went bankrupt in August of 2023. President Biden gave Proterra at least $10 million, and lauded it as the future: “when you start making a thousand buses a year, you’re going to need more room for customers.”  That makes as little sense as anything Biden is saying these days. And as with everything else, the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration is incapable of learning from its mistakes: ......... 
Ford Cuts Michigan Workforce for Electric Truck That Joe Biden Touted - John Binder Ford Motor Company is following through on plans to scale back production of its all-electric F-150 Lightning pickup that President Joe Biden once touted. On Friday, Ford executives announced that about 1,400 auto workers at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, would be moved to other manufacturing jobs at the company or offered retirement packages. The workforce cuts come as Ford scales back production of its all-electric F-150 Lightning due to a lack of demand among American consumers................

Fossil Fuels

Left Wing Climate Activist Endorses Blowing up Pipelines and Admits People Could be Killed - Mike LaChance A left wing climate activist named Andreas Malm was recently interviewed by the New York Times and openly endorsed the idea of blowing up pipelines and admitted that there could be casualties. Trump supporters are sitting in jail for merely walking through the Capitol, but left wingers can openly call for crime and violence in the furtherance of their political goals and no one says a thing. When pressed on that response, Malm argued, “Well, I want sabotage to happen on a much larger scale than it does now. I can’t guarantee that it won’t come with accidents. But what do I know? I haven’t personally blown up a pipeline, and I can’t foretell the future.”...........The left is so used to getting away with this behavior that they’re perfectly comfortable talking about it openly.

San Diego Catholic diocese touts its 'historic first' in divesting from fossil fuels January 13, 2024 By Monica Showalter - The Catholic Diocese of San Diego, led by progressive San Francisco Cardinal Robert McElroy, apparently doesn't care if it ends up looking stupid ... or for that matter, broke. According to the National Catholic Reporter, it's taking its cues on economics from Argentine-educated Pope Francis, who understands about as much about economics as the socialist regime in that country that was just thrown out by its voters......

Trudeau’s regime shifts its focus to a ‘net-zero’ militaryJanuary 18, 2024 By Olivia Murray - Idle hands are the devil’s playground, and who has a more frivolous existence than a leftist working at the behest of any one of the West’s federal governments? Case in point: Justin Trudeau and his thumb-twiddling comrades. They are running out of private affairs in which to meddle; they’ve already socialized all the industries; baby murder is everywhere (and snowballing); and the unalienable “rights” of the people are all but dead. What else could they possibly find to do? Well, idle hands are drawn to mischief like a moth to the flame, and Canada’s federal government is now pursuing the ideas of creating a “net zero” military. As reported by Rebel News yesterday:............

My Take - As a side bar, you may find this interesting.  Trudeau's Hypocrisy Regarding Israel - American Thinker.   The man has been vile his entire career, and yet he's still in power. I'll never understand Canadian politics or parliamentarian government with the convoluted structure it creates.  But beyond that, it seems totally clear to me there's something wrong with this man's mind, and he's certifiable. 

Green Energy

2024 Promises the Expansion of the Green Energy Scam - January 17, 2024 By Vince Coyner Years ago, I wrote a post about how cheap air travel to Europe was ruining America. My point was that the Americans visiting Europe were confusing what they experienced as a tourist with the reality of life in Europe. These progressive American fans of two-hour lunches and 6 months of maternal and paternal leave didn’t have a clue about how average Europeans lived. Indeed, a couple of years later, the Foundation For Economic Education came out with a study that showed the poorest 20% of Americans were better off than the average European. Basically, the average European suffers from high taxes, high prices, tiny homes and cars, and, increasingly, less freedom. But tourists sipping tea in London or shopping in Paris rarely, if ever, see this, or understand it if they do.......
Final thought:   Will Rogers once said, “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”  That thought never crossed the minds of these nitwits. After all, the peasants are in dire need of their elite wisdom. Right?   Of course, It would be nice if their views were predicated on history, logic, facts, and reality versus intimidation by thugs and imbecilic ideologues.

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