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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Drugs Destroy the Mind. Well Duh!

By Rich Kozlovich

On July 10, 2023 The Ohio Star published this Laurel Duggan article, Large Study Links Heavy Marijuana Use to Psychotic Symptoms, Bipolar Disorder, Depression saying:

Cannabis use disorder, also known as marijuana addiction, was strongly tied to psychiatric problems, including psychotic symptoms and bipolar disorder, in a population-based study of Danish citizens’ medical records from 1995 to 2021.........Individuals with prior diagnoses of cannabis use disorder were up to four times as likely to be diagnosed later on with bipolar disorder and psychotic symptoms..........two times as likely to later be diagnosed with clinical depression, according to the study.............Nearly half of U.S. states have legalized recreational marijuana use, and widespread access to the drug has resulted in more prevalent use across the board, including among schoolchildren.

Almost ten years ago I had both my knees replaced, and was in surgery for some hours, and naturally, under anesthetic for all of that time.  I spent three months recovering before going back to work.  I've written a lot of articles over the last 20 years on every issue that's impacted humanity, and that's the source material for two books I've been working on....forever it seems.   At the rate I'm going, I may never get either of them done.   However, I scheduled my surgery in December of that year.  Since I was an exterminator that carried me through the slow season for my work.  

During that three months I finish five chapters of one of my books, and was really proud of myself.  Then I finished my recover time, spring was emerging, and I went back to work, and didn't have time to continue working on the book until September.   I decided I had better review what I'd written, and here's what I discovered.  What I'd written was really crapola.  Yet at the time it all made perfect sense to me.  What happened?

I realized all those hours under anesthetic had an impact on my mind.  Whether this is true or not, I don't know, but I was told for every hour you're under impacts you for weeks before your mind returns to normal.  Well, based on my experience, I believe that.  Anesthetics are in reality mind altering drugs, and so too are all these illegal, or formally illegal drugs.   If one surgery lasting for a few hours can impact one's mind for many weeks and even months, what impact does daily, or regular use of mind altering drugs do to the mind?  

This study actually confirms what was understood back in the 1960's when so many claimed that marijuana didn't impact humanity negatively, but as one expert testified before Congress testified, if that's true, then it's only true in America, because in the rest of the world that's a proven lie.  

Nothing has changed, except we're suffering from rampant stupidity at higher levels of leadership in all of the nation's structural institutions, and I consider much of the decision making socially suicidal. 


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