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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 10, 2023

The Gathering Storm (The Trump/Bragg Saga)

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s flop was merely the unsatisfying appetizer for the feast on Donald Trump that is about to come.

 By Julie Kelly

The first grand jury indictment against Donald Trump, like so many highly-anticipated gotcha moments involving the former president, landed with a thud this week. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s 34-count bill of goods failed to impress legal and political observers across the spectrum. Even Ruth Marcus, associate editor for the Washington Post, admitted the legal basis for the charges is “unnervingly flimsy at worst.” News coverage of Bragg’s faceplant is quickly disappearing from the front pages as all desperate eyes now turn to Jack Smith, the mysterious figure appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year ostensibly to take over the Justice Department’s investigation into Trump’s culpability for January 6 and alleged mishandling of classified documents. As I explained here, Smith is special counsel in name only; the team of investigators and prosecutors who initiated the first set of inquiries simply changed letterhead............

For the first time in history, a vice president will testify before a grand jury considering evidence of crimes committed by his former boss. Mike Pence, after winning partial immunity, reportedly will answer questions about his exchanges with Trump in the weeks leading up to the protest at the Capitol. Oddly, Pence will not be compelled to discuss what he did on January 6—a dubious protection considering his key presence throughout the day and into the next morning.........................To Read More.....

 Alvin Bragg Has Opened Pandora's Box, April 10, 2023 By John Green

A consensus has been reached by the legal panels at the alphabet soup media outlets — the people who consider "consensus" to be synonymous with "proof."  They've looked at Alvin Bragg's charging document and are less than impressed with the strength of his legal reasoning.  Their reaction was something like: Bragg investigated Trump for two years, upended our legal system, and launched a media circus for this?  This nothingburger is all he's got?

District Attorney Bragg charged President Trump

  • with 34 stacked misdemeanor charges of business document errors,
  • which are past their statute of limitations,
  • and are bumped up to felony violations,
  • with the claim they were done to hide a felony,
  • which is still hidden because Bragg is keeping it a secret from the court and the defendant.

That's apparently how it's done in New York............Here's my question: does any of Alvin Bragg's treatment of President Trump constitute a civil rights violation?  We actually have a law against that.  Its title is "MISCONDUCT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT & OTHER GOVERNMENT ACTORS -- Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law" (18 USC §242).  It states:..........



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