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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 10, 2023

New York Times goes full Trump Derangement Syndrome

April 10, 2023 By David Zukerman

The title of the April 9 Times Sunday Opinion piece was: "Four Opinion Writers on Trump's Indictment and 'the Borderlands of Illegality'", but, for purpose of precision, it should have been styled: "Three anti-Trump propagandists and one Never Trumper on the need to keep humiliating the S.O.B."  The propagandists participating in this anti-Trump exercise were Times Opinion (as propaganda) columnists Lydia Polgreen, Ross Douthat (the Never Trump voice), Carlos Lozada and Michelle Cottle of the Times editorial (as propaganda) board...........To Read More....

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