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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Cascading mistakes are destroying our nation

I've made a lot of stupid mistakes during my seventy-five years, so maybe I have no right to speak, but I just can't help myself.  Some mistakes are beyond the pale — and they are numerous.  Some have implications far in excess of the immediate events.   Three examples will suffice.

The first of these happened in Newport News, Virginia at Richneck Elementary School.  A six-year-old boy pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot his teacher, Abby Zwerner, who suffered serious injuries requiring multiple surgeries, with possible life-long impairments to follow. .........The shooter, known in the press as "John Doe," is, according to news reports, a troubled child.  "Troubled" is a euphemism in this case.  Doe has reportedly exhibited violent tendencies from the time he entered kindergarten. ...........

The second example involves a related video, in which an eleven-year-old boy brazenly and persistently bullies adults, repeatedly punching one, and using X-rated epithets at others.  When he is physically resisted by one of his victims, he loudly accuses the adults of child abuse.  He has learned the vocabulary of victimhood. .............

Our third and final illustration will tie much of it together.  On the second of December, 2015, fourteen people were murdered in San Bernardino, California, by a married couple who were Islamic-motivated terrorists.  Many more were seriously injured before the two terrorists were killed by police......

We have replaced competence with ineptitude, truth with propaganda, and courage with cowardice.  

It is long past time that we re-establish the principles of Judeo-Christian values; unapologetically embed them in our laws and jurisprudence; and stop bowing down to our woke, would-be masters every time they call us Nazis.  We must return force with overwhelming force, and never slow down until they stop ruining our nation.  

Yes, even if it hurts their feelings........To Read More....


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