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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

P&D Today

By Rich Kozlovich

Today's edition is totally devoted to debunking this covid pandemic hysteria.  I know, I know, the FBI raid of Donald Trump's home has pretty much filled the news sites, and rightly so, and tomorrow I'll have as complete a list of articles I can find covering this absolutely outrageous political weaponization of the justice system, but today, this false pandemic is what I will focus on. 

One more thought.  They're not going to find anything on Trump that's a chargeable or a crime, while it will give them access to information they're not justified to possess, and will share it with their fellow deep state tyrants before the courts demand it all be returned, this however lays the groundwork for going after the Clintons, Obama and Biden and their myrmidons who are neck deep into corruption.  No one will now be able to say going after past presidents is "outrageous and unprecedented".

Paybacks are the pits, and on January 22, 2024, one day after Trump is inaugurated, he needs to appoint a mad dog in the meat market for the Attorney General who will take an attitude of "take no prisoners, and show no mercy" for this corrupt cabal. 

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Let's start with My Commentary with lot's of links from past articles I've stored, Pandemic Lies, Facts and Hyperbole, followed by this commentary by Michael Fumento,  “Omicron” Means Enough! and recent articles. 

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