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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 29, 2022

P&D Today

De Omnibus Dubitandum:  Everything is to be Questioned

By Rich Kozlovich

 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Weeks fly by, issues multiply, and truth be told, I find it really difficult to keep up with it all, and P&D is turning into a job!!!!!!  Just saying it almost makes me break out in hives.  

I read a lot information from geopolitical sites to which I subscribe, some free and some not so free.  Two of my favorites are Geopolitical Futures, and Jamestown Foundation, the latter being free.  There are more, and they all have good things to offer, but as in all things presented, "Everything is to be Questioned!" 

We must never accept their word on anything!  While they may really be sincere and honest, they may be sincerely and honestly wrong.   We must look behind the curtain, because nothing is ever as it appears...ever!  But it's difficult to question what's offered if we don't read a history book once in a while, because without that background information we have no historical sense, or instinct if you will, for smelling the horsepucky.

I find one of the sites to which I subscribe has some really great pieces, and yet, there will be pieces by highly educated, and supposedly well informed people who specialize in geopolitics, who come up with stuff that makes me wonder what planet they're from.  Then I realize that's true of an awful lot of prominent people in Washington, so they have to come from somewhere.  They all come from Planet Academia, which I find to be a echo chamber of head nodders, most of whom subscribe to the latest leftist narrative of the moment.  Not that many out there in academia, and entirely too few in government. 

At any rate, here are my offerings for today, and when John Droz publishes his newsletter, I like to start P&D Today with that: The Media Balance Newsletter: 8/29/22 

My Commentary


America in Crisis (Who we were)


Bail Reform

Deep State Corruption

 Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

Voter Fraud

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