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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Do you really think our DC overlords will change

Editor's Note:  This post was one of twelve I linked as a singular post.  However Blogger decided that post met some "Community Standard" that offended them and "un-published" it.  So I'm posting them all separately and the cartoon will be the Cartoon of the Day.  RK

By Brian Parsons August 23, 2022
 "I'll change, baby!"  Those are the famous last words of every spousal abuser in the history of failed relationships.  If you ever hear them, run!  He (or she) won't change; they never do.  People and systems change when there is no other option.  They change not only when complicit parties take ownership of their actions, but when their actions have consequences.  The last few weeks saw a continuation of the past six years of governmental abuse.  An entrenched permanent regime in Washington, D.C. sent their goons to south Florida to invade the home of their mortal enemy, who also happens to be the former president of the United States.  Their stated reason is based on some flimsy nonsense about classified documents, which really shows the hand of the permanent regime...................Do you really think our DC overlords will change?

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