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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Never Forget that We are America

Everyone's having a grand old time celebrating the end of the Bush-Cheney dynasty. Then, we all ask, what comes next? Most people dive into the details of the next politics here and here. I've done the same here. But I think we need to think first about who we are. And who our enemies are, because "there is no politics without an enemy."  Job One is to celebrate who we are. And "who we are" is the heart and soul of America. As you might expect, all the world's thinkers have been working on this: who are "we" and who are "they." But the most sophisticated thinkers understand that a really sophisticated analysis of society requires at least three layers or classes. Like this, from my Three Layers in Brief:........To Read More....

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Rep. Andy Barr: Democrats Have Failed on the Economy, Crime, and the Border - Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) on Sunday predicted that Republicans will win the upcoming midterm elections by a “landslide” because “Joe Biden has done such a poor job and congressional Democrats have failed the American people on the economy, crime, and the border.”  “We have a positive agenda. We have a commitment to America, and we're going to get back to basics,” Barr told NBC’s “Meet the Press” when asked what the Republican plan is to deal with inflation other than not supporting Biden’s policies...............
Covid-19 fraud is one big reason why the public doesn’t trust their government - Recently, a government report revealed that COVID-19 relief efforts led to possibly the largest fraud in the history of America.  The Washington Post reported that unemployment benefits of an estimated $163 billion were paid to undeserving individuals due to either error or fraud.  In the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, around $58 billion was paid to companies that shared the same addresses, phone numbers, bank accounts, or other data as other applicants — a clear indication of fraud.

Why did this happen?.................

Do you really think our DC overlords will change?  - "I'll change, baby!"  Those are the famous last words of every spousal abuser in the history of failed relationships.  If you ever hear them, run!  He (or she) won't change; they never do.  People and systems change when there is no other option.  They change not only when complicit parties take ownership of their actions, but when their actions have consequences.  The last few weeks saw a continuation of the past six years of governmental abuse.  An entrenched permanent regime in Washington, D.C. sent their goons to south Florida to invade the home of their mortal enemy, who also happens to be the former president of the United States.  Their stated reason is based on some flimsy nonsense about classified documents, which really shows the hand of the permanent regime...................
Why haven't politicians learned defunding police doesn't work? - Once again, leftists are pursuing a failed policy that will put people in danger.  The City of West Hollywood voted to defund its sheriff's department. It shouldn't be a surprise that it's a California city.  Californians seem to lead the way nowadays in bad governance.  What is surprising is that they would do this when even other Democrat-controlled cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles County learned that defunding the police doesn't stop crime, and in fact, does the opposite.  It allows it to spike. Both of those places learned that lesson the hard way and restored police funding. You would have hoped that other cities, particularly ones from the same state, would have seen the train wreck that defunding the police causes and gone a different route..................
Where language goes to die: 'Trans women are biological women' - Eli Erlick identifies as "Extremely queer & incredibly trans."  (As opposed to relatively queer and common, garden-variety trans, I guess.)  Erlick is also fond of using social media platforms to declare that "transgender women" are actually women.  Period.  One of Erlick's tweets states: "Trans women are natural women. Trans women are normal women. Trans women are biological women. Trans women are born women. Trans women are women."  No they aren't, or they wouldn't be "trans."  They would not have had to transition.  This should be self-evident, a priori.  In another tweet, Erlick proclaimed: "The only inherent difference between trans women and cis women is that trans women were assigned male by a doctor. Trans is an adjective that describes that assignment."..............
 Carrying water for the Democrats - The mainstream media -- the broadcast and cable networks and the major newspapers -- do nothing but carry water for the Democrats (Fox News excepted). They don’t try to hide it anymore. In fact, they not only overlook every Biden and Democrat misstep, screw-up and crime, they actively promote the excuses and cover-ups, making it easy to fool the public.

In truth, today’s media is the cover-up.

When my son got back from Afghanistan, he used an expression I had never heard before: “Don’t believe what you see or hear, believe what I am telling you.” I knew instantly what he meant. It perfectly expressed what watching today’s ultra-liberal national news is like, reporters and talking heads alike.  It’s not just the fake coverage of the deadly summer of 2020 riots. It’s everything: COVID, Russia collusion, violent crime, chaos at the open southern border, and parents complaining about school curriculums being labeled domestic terrorists..............

Marxist mob out for blood at the American Historical Association - Leftism is a discipline of doublethink, and nowhere is that more apparent than its approach towards morality. Moral relativism is the name of the game, until the ethic in question imperils the fragile architecture of the left’s inconsistent and collective mind. For many of the academicians at the American Historical Association, intellectual honesty and discourse makes you the chief among sinners. Six days ago, James H. Sweet, president of the AHA, published a written piece in the association’s editorial titled, “Is History History?” — and the ensuing fallout was described by one journalist as suicide......... 
Unironically, none of Sweet’s critics were able to offer an intellectual rebuttal to his claims — the attacks were purely ad hominem. That’s not surprising though, because the 1619 Project is explicitly a “journalistic” endeavor. Its creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones even publicly recognized the nature of the project’s content to “shield it from scholarly criticism by historians.” Objectivists (as historians ought to be) can’t attack her work if she acknowledges it’s not meant to be history........I wonder how many of these academicians once designated President Trump as the fascist?..........
Ivy League professors write another op-ed suggesting it’s time to jettison the Constitution - No doubt still sulking over the Roe v. Wade reversal — the opening sentence of their recent op-ed published in The New York Times is, “When liberals lose at the Supreme Court — as they increasingly have over the past half-century” — two Ivy League professors laid out their claims for an America without Constitutional limitations. They suggest, “the way to seek real freedom will be to use procedures consistent with popular rule.” Of course, the piece is polished sewage: tyranny of the majority is a very real, and very dangerous threat to the individual, (perhaps they should go read Federalist 10, but they likely wouldn’t understand that either). However, I’d agree with them on one point — the Constitution is “broken”, but not in the way they think. It’s not broken because it was written by men from ages past. (After all, wouldn’t these same professors likely ascribe to the political ideas of Marx and Engels which were published in 1848?) It’s broken because what made it great has already been abandoned by our government and our citizenry.  The most obvious example is that of the ratification of the 16th Amendment in 1913, which states:...............
Zuckerberg's Meta going all in on censorship as the midterm elections near - Meta, the corporate parent of Facebook, has announced its plans to control the flow of information on the site where most voters get their news.  You see, the public has to be protected from "misinformation," and the omniscient sages of Meta are just the folks to decide what is and isn't worthy of being shared with the public.  Nick Clegg, Meta's "President, Global Affairs," offers these takeaways from a longer essay:........
 Is 'Autocracy' America's Mortal Enemy?  In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, President Joe Biden declared to the nation and world: "We are engaged anew in a great battle for freedom. A battle between democracy and autocracy." On her trip to Taiwan, Speaker Nancy Pelosi echoed Biden: "Today, the world faces a choice between democracy and autocracy. America's determination to preserve democracy here in Taiwan and in the world remains iron-clad."  But is this truly the world struggle America is in today?.............
'Tipping' the vote: Election interference now 'institutionalized' by Postal Service  - 'Investigating after the fact won't change results', essentially allowed to run rampant during the 2020 presidential election. Ballot drop boxes, mailed ballots, nursing home workers filling out ballots for incapacitated residents, all were part of the problem. Now a report from Chuck DeVore at the Federalist says the interference agenda has been "institutionalized."  That's because the U.S. Postal Service has announced a new "Election and Government Mail Services division," that will be set up.............

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