"Trust the science," say the media. Polls show that fewer Americans do. There's good reason for that. "They don't trust science because science is increasingly untrustworthy," says science writer Andrew Follet in my new video. "The only group that trusts science right now is Democrats." Sixty-four percent of Democrats have "a great deal" of confidence in the scientific community, compared to 34% of Republicans. Of course, true science -- using the scientific method -- is important. But that's not what much of "science" is these days.
Instead, today government science is misused by progressive politicians.
Example 1: Environmental activists want to limit commercial fishing. They want Congress to pass what they call the "Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act." It claims climate change is the "greatest threat to America's national security" and offers a dubious solution: close more of the ocean to commercial fishing. The administration's deputy director of Climate, Jane Lubchenco, told Congress that a scientific paper concludes that closing more of the ocean can actually increase catches of fish. Really? That doesn't seem logical.
It isn't. The paper was retracted. One scientist called its logic "biologically impossible.".......Follett blames this perversion of science on government. Its science agencies, like much of America, have been taken over by leftists hungry to promote themselves and their agenda...............To Read More...
My Take - This is a great piece until Stossel goes over the cliff calling it right wing junk science calling into question these false covid vaccines and global warming. My comment on the post follows:
Saying vaccines don't work isn't right wing junk science, if these vaccines aren't really vaccines. The right only questions these false vaccines that's being pushed onto the world dealing with this covid virus and it's variants. They don't deliver immunization nor to they prevent transmission, which until now was a requirement for a drug to be called a vaccine. It's the left who attack legitimate vaccines that have worked for decades. Furthermore, anthropogenic climate change was the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated on humanity, at least until this fraudulent pandemic.
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