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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 5, 2020

Biden’s rejection of Green New Deal and other progressive policies in debate, irks radical left

| Oct 1, 2020 | | 9

Joe Biden broke with his party’s left wing on several key issues in his first debate against President Trump, frustrating some progressives whose votes he needs to win the White House as the president works to sow discord among Democrats.

“When you’re doubling down and saying ‘I’m not supporting the issues’ that have created a surge of new Democratic voters in the last four years, that is an affront,” Boston-based Democratic strategist Wilnelia Rivera said. “What Biden needs to do is speak from a place that drives all of us out.”

Biden disavowed the Green New Deal in Tuesday’s debate and rejected “Medicare for All.” He refused to answer when moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News asked if he would support some Democrats’ calls to end the Senate filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.

The former vice president then doubled down on his lack of support for Medicare for All and touted his own climate change proposal, the “Biden Green Deal,” while speaking to reporters Wednesday in Alliance, Ohio...........To Read More.....

My Take - The reality of Biden is he has no idea what he believes because he believes in nothing. He's a perfect representation of a leftist. Leftism has no moral foundation except the insane craving for power. 

Leftists will adopt the latest philosophical flavor of the day even if that position is diametrically opposed to the position they held the day before, and will embrace the new position with the same passion they demonstrated for their former position, and condemn those in opposition, even if they were allies to their previously held position as corrupt, mean spirited, cruel, greedy, etc.  The party of racism, the Democrat party, is now the party that condemns the party that actually ended slavery\ and  passed the Voting Rights Act which Democrats opposed.  That's history and that history is incontestable. 

Having said that, he neither believes in, or disbelieves i the New Green Deal, so if he were to become President, and the Congress would become Democrat, he would happily deliver it to the left, and destroy the country. 

There is one more fundamental foundation of leftism. Insanity.

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