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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War!"

By Rich Kozlovich

The nation is now being rocked by barbarians intent on insurrection.  Stop calling what's going on protests or demonstrations, it's revolution, and is a current secondary effort to destroy America along with this hysteria regarding this coronavirus.  As I've watched this unfold two things kept occurring to me. The Frankfurt School and William Shakespeare.

Let's start with William Shakespeare.

This phrase came down to us from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, and was part of s a speech by Marc Antony:  ‘Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war’.

Shakespeare was well aware of what that phrase meant as during the Middle Ages.  The definition of word ‘havoc’ remains the same today as in Shakespeare's day.  Havoc embraced all the distruptive forces:  "Chaos, confusion, disorder, devastation, turmoil, turbulence and lawlessness", and we, to this day, understand it in the same fashion.  When a commander cried "havoc" the troops under his command were being let loosed like attack dogs.   It meant the people of the city, or area they conquered, were going to be plundered, raped and murdered with impunity.

That brings me to the Frankfurt School.

I'm supposing everyone knows who Herbert Marcuse and the rest of those academician losers were from the Frankfort School.   Right?  No?  Really?  That's unfortunate, the history books have a lot to say about them.  Of course that means reading history books.

They embraced and promoted a chain of thinking that played a large role with the anti-war drug using students of the 60's, including the violence that followed.  Their thinking permeated these kids minds to the point they could no longer control them in the classroom or campus.  They cried “havoc and let slip the dogs of war” as spoken of in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

The left has now “cried havoc and have let slip the dogs of war’, and now there’s not controlling them without violent means.  If they shoot a few, and arrest a lot more and put them in prison, the rest will slink back to live under the rocks from whence they slithered.  After the Kent State shootings there was not another campus riot in the United States if I remember that correctly, and there, the rioters were largely non-Kent students. 

Throughout this mess they also burned down black owned homes and businesses?  And here you thought this was a response to years of racism and injustice?  That narrative a load of crap to help promote the racist industrial complex!

But let’s not dwell on all that negativity regarding rioting, burning, plundering and murder. Let's try and see the positive aspect of all this burning, rioting, murdering and plundering.  This has now created a wonderful opportunity to expand our horizons and embrace diversity. Right?

Now that these people have destroyed the homes and all the businesses around them, they'll need to find a new neighborhood to move in to, with government support or course.  They've going to move into your neighborhood with government housing, welfare and food stamps.  Oh, and a gigantic rate of illegitimacy creating another generation of out of control children who refuse to go to school, and when they do, violence and havoc follow.

Isn't that just great? I just hope all the "racists" living in these neighborhoods who are against crime, violence anf irresponsibly behavior are driven out!  Replaced with barbarians, and wouldn't that just be great?  Of course it would! 

So, then, okay, let’s see a show of hands of who wants barbarians in their neighborhood!!!!!!  Come on now, step forward!!!  Walk the talk!!!!  No One? 

Of course we must take different viewpoints into account, because everyone's viewpoint is equally valuable.  Right?   I wonder?  Is it possible the black owner of a small business who has worked like a dog to build something that serves both his community and family, pays his taxes, raises his children to have a good education, and teaches them those same conservative values does not have a better viewpoint than another black man of "The Streets". who's rioting, burning and destroying the community, or a left wing white college kid who believes burning down a city is freedom of expression, neither of whom may live in the community they're destroying?

Are we to believe a man who lives on government doll, never pays taxes, never positively contributes to society in any way, and who tells the CNN reporter that he's there for the loot and whatever he can carry, as the former's business is torched to the ground, has a better persepctive? 

And there are the disguised black garbed, masked (oh wait, that is now a sign of virtuous Social Distancing responsibility) Antifa rabble that is organized, trucked in, and paid. Don't forget the pallets of bricks ready to throw every few blocks. They goad angry blacks to confront police while In the background they smash windows, throw Molotov cocktails, and organize looting.   But it's OK because we have to allow the expression of a diversity of opinions, all of equal value since no one's opinion is worth more than any other's.  Right?

Meanwhile, the black owned local businesses are gone and unlikely to be replaced, the looters go home with their flat screen TVs, which they've looted from the stores they destroyed, and the Antifa's slink back into the darkness, never to be investigated, and lie in wait for the next opportunity.  Meanwhile, MSM ominously reports that anonymous sources tell them that ten Unidentified White Supremacists may have been lurking in the shadows. Which becomes the next headline.

What a mess.

Recently this headline appeared, 'We Weren't Goin' to Sit Back and Let It Happen': Italian Bakery Owners Welcome Cleveland Looters with an Impressive Arsenal, but this is Cleveland, not Minneapolis:
What began as a peaceful protest in Cleveland on Saturday—over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer— turned violent as the day progressed, prompting Mayor Frank Jackson to issue an 8 p.m. curfew and to request National Guard reinforcements to protect the city from rioters. Corbo’s, a tiny family-owned bakery in the city’s historic Playhouse Square district, took matters into their own hands, brandishing their firearms when rioters came calling.
Even so, there was still a lot of violence and destruction, but it hasn't happened again, and I believe it's because Mayor Jackson and the locals sent a message they're not going to tolerate it.

Cleveland's my town and like an owner, I love Cleveland. This store is in an area known as Little Italy! I've been to his store, I've eaten in many of the restaurants there. Little Italy is one of my favorite parts of Cleveland for a number of reasons. One, great food! Two, absolute safety! You can walk around the streets and go into the art galleries with your wife and friends and feel comfortable you'll get home without incident.

This kind of crap has played out in the past about ten years ago where a bus load of young black thugs went into Little Italy and planned on causing trouble. They were met with locals who had a different view. The local papers called the locals racists and more, and some claimed they'd never return to Little Italy for dinner again.  But others took a different view. No one was going to come into Little Italy and destroy it, and attack the people living and eating there.

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