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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, September 4, 2020

Are Democrats laying the groundwork for a contested election?

September 3, 2020 By Andrea Widburg

America has been one of the few countries in the world that can boast about the peaceful transition of power for 220 years. Even Obama left the White House peacefully, although it turned out that he'd weaponized the administrative state to undermine his successor's ability to govern. With this next election, though, Democrats and their militant front groups Antifa and BLM are laying the groundwork for a violent post-election period, something that will destroy the American political compact laid out in our Constitution.

As always, things make more sense with a little context. In 2000, Democrats questioned whether Florida had voted for George W. Bush or Al Gore. The eventual recounts (plural), followed by appeals to both the Florida court system and the United States Supreme Court, finally ended on December 13, when Gore conceded the election to Bush. It was a tremendous period of disruption and uncertainty caused by just one state.

In 2016, as you all recall, President Trump looked at the rules under the Constitution for winning the presidency and embarked upon an innovative election strategy that saw him working on getting more Electoral College votes than popular votes. Unlike Hillary Clinton, he understood that the presidency is not a popularity contest across the entire nation. Instead, to ensure that a presidential candidate has to court all the states, not just the populous ones, our election is really 50 separate state elections (plus the territories and D.C.).

Hillary still can't get over the fact that her arrogance caused her to ignore the constitutional rules. Although she's finally figured out that the Electoral College controls the election, she did an interview that sees her projecting Democrat dirty tricks onto Republicans:........To Read More.


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