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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 13, 2020

Enough Already With The Help

April 13, 2020 By Mark Landsbaum

Yours truly was one of many who early on cheered the government for aggressively curbing everyone’s activity to slow the spread of COVID-19.

At the time, it seemed such a clear choice between life and death. Admittedly, I was squeamish endorsing government controls, something I’ve spent decades writing to oppose. What could possibly go wrong?

As Benjamin Franklin said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Franklin recognized a false trade-off when he saw one. It took yours truly only a couple weeks to see the same picture. Every freedom you give up makes you more vulnerable, not safer.

There are two ways despots comes to power. One is to kill their way into control. The more insidious way is to promise to “take care of you.” Wannabe despots don’t bother explaining the fine print: “They will decide what’s good for you, once you’ve handed that power over to them.” ........

Death tolls don’t capture the full scale of the suffering of this Made-in-China virus. It’s literally a thousand times greater than the death count.
  • Sixteen thousand Americans died from COVID-19 in three weeks.
  • Sixteen million Americans lost their jobs in the same three weeks.
  • How many of the 16 million will find themselves permanently out of jobs? That depends largely on how many of their employers are permanently ruined by government’s forced shutdown.
  • We can’t tell today precisely how many American businesses were killed during this period because they look just like many other businesses: they are closed.
  • The actual number of lost jobs will be known only after all businesses are permitted by their government overseers to reopen.
  • By then, it will be too late to do anything about those lost jobs.
  • They will be gone, along with their employers..........To Read More....

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