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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sorry, Greta, even your fellow Swedes aren't buying the climate change claptrap anymore

September 20, 2019 By Monica Showalter

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child activist who doesn't know much, but is very certain of what she's saying, is having her heyday in the U.S., fiercely putting on her 'I won't eat those peas' face for the camers, telling the U.S. Congress they're not trying hard enough, leading a giant global protest today, and getting hailed as the child savior of the earth.   Just one glitch here.  Her home nation of Sweden, yes, you read right, Sweden, isn't buying the global warming claptrap anymore. Mark Morano over at Climate Depot has found a damning survey. ................ So let's break down the chart here.

Thirty-six percent of Swedes think climate change is man-caused. Forty-eight percent think the climate is changing and humans are only partly responsible. Eight percent say the climate is changing and it's not people doing it. Two percent say it's not changing at all.......... that the cute and sincere Swedish kidlet is a pawn of a consortium of greedy green venture capitalists and investors whose agenda is to get in on government-contracts green action based on legislated green priorities, same way Al Gore did, and make themselves a crony-capitalism killing.

Greta is being hailed as persuasive in her global warming activism. In reality, she's a hail-Mary pass from a rearguard jurocracy hellbent on institutionalizing global warming to its own benefit. Sorry, Greta.............To Read More...

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