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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Trump Derangement Syndrome, Leftist Hypocrisy and the Real Promoters of Hatred and Violence?

Heading for civil war

Someday there has to be a reckoning for leftist dysfunction.

August 8, 2019 By Peter Skurkiss

Donald Trump’s opponents are completely unhinged. The hate and slander directed towards the president and his supporters is off the charts. The vitriol comes not just from the Democrat Party, the media, and the world of entertainment, but also from a sizable proportion of the federal bureaucracy and many seemingly ordinary people.

The media coordinates this campaign and amplifies the hate at every opportunity. Media twist every event, be it big or small, into a criticism of the president. The goal is always to present Trump in not just an unfavorable light but to make him appear too loathsome for polite society. And Trump is not the sole target of this demonization. It is directed at his supporters, too.

Where will all this lead? No less than Angelo M. Codevilla fears it could ultimately result in a bloody civil war. And if it comes to that, there's no doubt where he places the blame............

It’s not surprising that many ordinary followers have concluded that harassing conservatives in restaurants, airports, and public functions is not just permissible but praiseworthy, and if thousands of persons who exercise power over cities, towns, and schools have not concluded that facilitating such harassment and harm is their duty.

This is the toxic environment that the Democrats, in conjunction with the media, have created. Has Pandora's box been opened? Are we beyond the point of no return? Are leftists and their liberal soulmates too obtuse not to expect that hate and violence will someday be answered in kind? These questions are up in the air. Right now, one thing is clear. As Yeats wrote: "The best lack all conviction while the worse are full of passionate intensity."............To Read More

There's more over in my daily posting of the Geller Report, including protests and violent threats against Mitch his home. .

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