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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Scholars Slam NY Legal Decision Forcing Fordham U. To Recognize BDS Group

SJP supports the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment campaign targeting the Jewish state

August 7, 2019 | The Jerusalem Post Benjamin Weinthal Research Fellow

A New York judge issued a decision on Tuesday ordering Fordham University to recognize the pro-BDS student group Students for Justice in Palestine, sparking sharp criticism from academics with expertise in contemporary antisemitism.

In the 21-page legal ruling by judge Nancy M. Bannon, which was reviewed by The Jerusalem Post, the jurist largely argued that Fordham’s failure to recognize the SJP was a matter of academic freedom and violated the university’s rules about the formation of a student group.
Bannon wrote that “the consideration and discussion of differing views is actually part of Fordham’s mission, regardless of whether that consideration and discussion might discomfit some and polarize others.”
SJP supports the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment campaign targeting the Jewish state. In May, Germany’s parliament classified BDS as antisemitic.........To Read More....

My Take - Promoting criminal activity, which is exactly what BDS promotes, isn't free speech.  We've lost our sense of American identity and culture, but most of all, we've lost our minds.  This judge needs to be removed from office, if for no other reason, he's got to be insane.   At this rate America is going to look a lot like Paris or London, with Muslims demanding everyone accomodate them to their own detriment, and the government is going to force everyone to go along. 

We've lost our minds!!!!!!

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