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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Obama Introduces New Taxes as “The Most Elegant Way” to Fight Climate Change!

Posted on Onan Coca 10 Comments
Climate Change is blushing. It had no idea how President Barack Obama felt about it until Obama told the folks in Paris that he had an “elegant” solution to stopping Climate Change. In an effort to care for what Obama and other Democrats see as the most pressing issue of our day (more than Islamic terrorism, more than Russian aggression, more than the economic collapse facing several important European nations, more than the continued violence and chaos in central Africa), the President has decided to tax every American citizen......

Rebuking Obama's Folly
Clarice Feldman
It took real chutzpah to insist the climate was the big threat to the world where just days before scores of French citizens had been slaughtered by jihadis. Once upon a time not so long there were American men like Master Sgt. Roddie Edwards who, while a prisoner in a German POW camp, refused, even with a loaded gun pointed at his head to designate which of his fellow prisoners were Jewish (and therefore subject to certain murder). He ordered all 1,000 American captives at the Stalag IXA POW camp to step forward when his captors ordered all Jews to step forward, saying “We are all Jews here.” He led and the men under his command all followed as a rebuke to Nazi hatred and proof of the cohesive force of courageous men who eschewed all efforts to divide them. We need a national leader like that to lead us against the murderous forces of Islamic terrorism. We don’t have that man in the White House. 

 We are led instead by a cowardly, ill-informed, blockhead who has done everything in his power to destroy national unity and power, and his most recent conduct makes my claim irrefutable......

Chris Christie – Obama “Focused on Wrong Climate Change”
It is hard to tell anymore. When we see our political system at work, what is real and what is gamesmanship? What is meant to pass and what is set up for the benefit of public opinion? If they try and fail can we blame them? These are the questions that we face with the Senate’s passage of the “Repeal Bill.”  Breitbart reports:......

Texas Removed its Request for Restraining Order on Syrian Resettlement
Posted on Michael Ware 3 Comments;
 It is somewhat comparable to a city or town knocking on the door and demanding that you house strangers. But, worse, you are told that you are not allowed to find out anything about them before they get there. You have no clues to their history. You know nothing about what they believe or like. You are asked to trust your officials to have placed you and your family in a safe position. And it seems all that Texas can do is take it and deal with the fallout.....

Mizzou Crew: The Liars Who Hate the Lie of Academic Freedom
 Selwyn Duke
The difference between “safe spaces” in today’s U.S. and yesterday’s U.S.S.R., other than the name, is the size. Here they’re tiny areas on some college campuses. In the Soviet Union they were every place apart from the tiny areas called gulags. More

Islam and human sacrifice           
Dexter White
What is the nature of a religion that motivates someone to take the lives of fellow human beings in a bloody, violent, and sometimes primeval manner? As the mainstream media continues to bend over backwards to avoid the mention of the words "radical Islamic terrorism" in the wake of the San Bernardino, California attack, other more thoughtful individuals are beginning to ponder: what is the nature of a religion that motivates someone to take the lives of fellow human beings in a bloody, violent, and sometimes primeval manner? 

 When questions like this are examined, it is often best to start at the beginning. To do this we must look at the Koran and its companion book, the Hadith. Muslims believe that the Koran consists of the word of God, revealed in Arabic by God to the Prophet Muhammad over a twenty-two-year period that began in a dark cave. Islamic scholars agree that the Hadith is not considered to be the word of God but rather is a collection of the sayings of Muhammad.

Another Big Lie Exposed: Black Cop Writes Fake Racist Letter 
Colin Flaherty
The story you are about to hear is a lie. Every bit of it: White cops in Bridgeport, Connecticut threatened black police officers by writing racist letters proclaiming white power, KKK, white supremacy, and how black cops are not welcome in that town. But that did not stop the Washington Post, New York Daily News, NBC, and hundreds of other media outlets around the country from splashing this lie on their pages earlier this year. The headlines from February tell the story: “Threatening ‘white power’ letters appear at police department with a history of racial tensions,’ proclaimed the Washington Post.” “Racist ‘white power’ letter found in Bridgeport Police Department mailboxes says black cops belong in toilet,” said the New York Daily News. Ten months later, a black cop has confessed to writing the letter -- and at the behest of Lt. Lonnie Blackwell, the head of the Guardians, the black police officers’ union in Bridgeport.......

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