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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Muslims Ratchet Up the Incitement and Hate Rhetoric Post-San Bernardino Jihad

By Pamela Geller

In the wake of San Bernardino and all jihad attacks, Muslims take to the airwaves and social media to do one of the following things:

1) proselytize at press conferences, mosque pressers, TV appearances
2) whine about a “fear of reprisals,” backlash and islamofauxbia
3) blame America
4) gloat
5) recruit

But Attorney General Loretta Lynch is going to prosecute us for criticizing jihad and Islam.

Editor's note:  Here is a tweet by the people Lynch thinks need protection. 
” That awkward moment you’re a kaffir  and you’re celebrating a shirk holiday/drinking/singing and you’re dead” ....To Read More Tweets .....

 So now will Loretta Lynch find this offensive and illegally promoting violence or will she declare this as free speech?   We now have absolute and incontrovertible evidence of speech promoting violence against the American public. Where's all the evidence of violent backlash that justifies comments?More importantly - where is the outrage from the media? Where are the media screams for her resignation? This Justice Department is a nest of vipers and everyone should hope the new administration cleans it out, giving them the opportunity to find jobs to which their talents are better qualified - like sweeping the floors in insane asylums.

Muslims Ratchet Up the Incitement and Hate Rhetoric Post-San Bernardino Jihad - The devout Muslims who slaughtered and wounded 35 Americans in the homeland had been plotting this jihad for some time.  A friend (“brother in Christ”) of one of the victims of the San Bernardino Islamic slaughter posted this to his Facebook page:
The islamic terrorist who took the Life of my friend & bro in Christ, Nicholas Thalasinos, on yesterday in San Bernadino, CA, had been threatening him, telling him that islam will rule the world, Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die.
But, they aren’t reporting that in the “news” …
I wonder why …
Because the media is aligned with the jihad force.  Here are some photos from the jihad home. Islam and prayer...

‘MACHETE-WIELDING’ Muslim slashes man’s throat at a station in London as he shouted “this is for Syria” -   Hellzapoppin — media and islamic supremacist countdown to “fear of reprisals,” backlashophobia, and islamofauxbia fictions. 3…2…1......And the Muslims just keep on killing in the cause of Allah.  The big difference in the latest Islamic attacks is that within hours the government acknowledged it was a “terrorist” attack, not hybrid workplace violence or some other cover for jihad......

*WARNING” New ISIS VIDEO: Muslim Children Execute Captives, “Obama, we will behead you, as we will do to all the Jews.” -  In a new video released by ISIS, child warriors are shown executing prisoners as part of their training. “We will cut off the heads of Obama and all Jews,” they say.  ISIS terrorists posted yesterday (Thursday) a new video showing child warriors. In the video, they play a horrifying hide-and-seek game in which they find and execute a prisoner hiding in an ancient castel.  The video, circulated in East Syria, is dedicated to “the sons of the Jews”, and shows children no older than eight years old being...

Loretta Lynch to Muslim Group: DOJ to Investigate Arrest of ‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed - In the wake of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, Attorney General Loretta Lynch has sprung into action — implementing sharia. Yesterday she vowed to prosecute “islamophobic” speech, and now she is going to investigate the detention of Clockmed. Does Lynch mean to bolster Ahmed’s 15-million-dollar lawsuit against the city and the school? “If you see something, say something” will get you sued and investigated by the DoJ. The school and law enforcement’s crime was trying to protect schoolchildren.

Why isn’t she investigating the failure of DOJ, FBI, CIA, ATF in the California massacre?

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