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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Judge in shocking misconduct case suddenly goes silent

Jurist claimed 'jury tampering,' but no jury was present

Bob Unruh About | Email | Archive

The judge who orchestrated a Michigan man’s arrest on a claim of “jury tampering” even though there was no jury present, along with a couple of prosecutors, is trying to avoid explaining what happened and why he ordered the arrest, according to a defense attorney.

WND reported a week ago that Keith Wood, 39, a former pastor, was arrested on the orders of Mecosta County District Judge Peter Jaklevic for handing out brochures to the public about the concept of jury rights.  Wood’s bond was set at $150,000 in what defense attorney Dave Kallman described as a foiled attempt by the judiciary to keep Wood from his family over Thanksgiving. Wood responded by putting $15,000 on a credit card to leave jail.  The judge had ordered court officials to bring Wood into his courthouse, then ordered Wood’s arrest. Kallman said on Tuesday that more details were being uncovered about what happened.....To Read More....

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