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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Front Page

Suppress Shooters’ Islamist Ties, Obama Ordered

How the Radical-in-Chief ordered federal officials to mislead the public about the Jihadist massacre in San Bernardino

On the day of the deadly San Bernardino, Calif. massacre, President Obama ignored FBI-procured evidence that the attack was an Islamic terrorist operation and ordered federal officials to mislead the public about the true nature of the assault.

Although the FBI knew immediately on Dec. 2 that the mass-casualty event was a Muslim terrorist attack, Obama and FBI Director James Comey reportedly clashed over why Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, opened fire around 11 a.m. local time on Farook’s municipal government workmates, leaving 14 dead and 21 wounded.

The news comes as investigator Phil Haney, who helped to create the Department of Homeland Security, revealed on Fox News that the government shut down a database he created that might have helped to prevent the attack. Haney says he looked into groups that had ties to Farook and Malik as far back as 2012. But civil rights officials accused him of unfairly profiling Muslims, removed his security clearance, and destroyed the data he collected.

Meanwhile in the Oval Office, the official head-scratching over the events in San Bernardino continued. “(I]mmense political pressure was brought down on investigators to avoid using the term ‘terrorism,’ with Obama stating, ‘It is possible that this is terrorist related, but we don’t know ... It is also possible that this was workplace related.’”......

A huge tiny minority of extremists.

After Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook killed 14 Americans in their corner of the Jihad over in San Bernardino, the media began its long laborious search for their moment of “radicalization”.The assumption that the intersection of terrorism and Islam can only be an aberration lead to the conviction that there was some moment in time at which Malik and Farook became “radical extremists”. Initial reports pegged that moment of “radicalization” as having happened at some point during the twenty minutes after Farook left the party. When the amount of firepower and preparation made the idea of a twenty minute radicalization massacre seem silly, the media tried to stretch it back for weeks.  Now they’ve had to give in and pull back that dreadful moment of radicalization for years.

But what if Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were never “radicalized”? What if neither of them “influenced” the other? What if both were exactly what they appear to be, devout Muslims who hated America and believed that it was their religious duty to kill Americans? What if this attitude did not show up last week or last year? What if it was the way that their culture and religion taught them to live? There are some easy ways to test that theory......

When twisted Islamist ideas and lethal Jew-Hatred are protected in the name of diversity.

To live in the world of Islam for a single month.

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