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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama's Incompetence Sinks In

By L. Brent Bozell III & Tim Graham July 9, 2014

MSNBC host Chuck Todd assembled a panel of liberal-media veterans on his morning show "The Daily Rundown" Monday and joked that the assembled heavyweights presented "a nightmare scenario for Brent Bozell." But what these journalists proceeded to issue was a devastating indictment of the Obama presidency and a real nightmare for this president.

Carolyn Ryan, the Washington bureau chief of The New York Times, brought up "the national funk we're in, the sort of national malaise." The word "malaise" is never a good word to be around if you're the president. But for President Barack Obama, who is now seen in polls as the worst president since World War II, worse than the Master of Malaise, Jimmy Carter, it's kryptonite........
The notion of Obama's incompetence in matters both foreign and domestic is really beginning to sink in with the press. Try as they might in their daily attempts to sugarcoat the bad news and/or blame it all on the Republicans, even the liberal news media can read the tea leaves......To Read More......

My Take - If you’re a President of the United States that's lazy, arrogant, delusional, incompetent, inexperienced, feckless - and a dumb as dirt Alinskyite- it doesn't have to mean a failed presidency.  However,  when you surround yourself with people that are as equally stupid, just as incompetent, amazingly arrogant and irrationally believe leftism is “just grand” in spite of all the worldwide failures that have left dystopia in its wake - the failures are bound to start stacking up. 

 Leftism - call it whatever you like, socialism, communism, progressivism – is a secular religion that’s failed humanity everywhere in the world.  To believe such a destructive misanthropic philosophy will work here – the most successful nation and culture the world has ever known, bringing more people out of squalor, misery and suffering in more areas of the world than any culture has ever been able to do - after all that historical foundation demonstrating leftist failures means they must also be insane. The sad part is these maniacs don’t just go away when they are voted out. While there they fill all these federal agencies with acolytes that are just as stupid, insane leftist “true believers” as they - and they will be there for thirty years throwing sand in the gears.  Leftism is great at finding fault. It's terrible at finding solutions. Leftism keeps offering godless utopia. It delivers godless dystopia.  

The only solution to fixing this mess is to start with repealing the 16th and 17th amendments. Then repeal the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and all the other environmental acts promoted by Richard Nixon (I do find it interesting the President the left hates the most, Nixon,  is the President who passed all the environmental and industrial laws that are foundational to everything the left uses to destroy us)  and start over again with caveats that prevent agencies from ever getting out of hand. Then start eliminating government agencies - starting with but not exclusive to - the IRS (especially the IRS), the EPA and the Wildlife Service. Then we need to start eliminating Departments of the government, such as the Education Department, the Labor Department, the Commerce Department, the Energy Department, etc. By the way - do you know how many Departments and agencies there are in the federal government? Here....take a good look at this!!!

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