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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Greenfield Gazette

By Rich Kozlovich

I've been running links from Front Page Magazine, The Point By Daniel Greenfield, as a weekly offering, but there's so much there I've decided to publish the links more often, even daily.  Here's his latest offerings.

Biden’s Border Helplessness is a Political Hoax - March 3, 2024 - Why didn’t Biden sign a border executive order? Because he wants to fake helplessness.  Media outlets had been hyping a proposed Biden executive order reducing asylum by illegal migrants for weeks leading up to his trip to the border. The executive order, proposed by some in the Biden administration, had gone far enough to be evaluated by the Office of Legal Counsel and should have been announced at the border trip. It would not have fixed the problem, but it might have reduced the scope a little bit. Instead, the Biden administration apparently calculated that it wouldn’t receive enough credit for the order to compensate for the backlash and the legal battles with leftist open borders groups, and that it would undermine the administration’s larger message that it’s helpless to act unless Congress passes some sort of amnesty deal like the Senate border agreement that has been DOA in the House.....

Academia, Antisemitism

A Pogrom in Berkeley - March 3, 2024 - “I never have felt scared to be a Jewish student on campus until last night”.  The home of the free speech movement has long since become the home of the anti-free speech movement. University authorities are calling what happened shocking and a red line, but it’s a continuation of a trend. Woke violence and anti-Israel discourse has been so normalized on campuses that is not shocking or a red line, it’s not even much of an aberration. Not at UC Berkeley, not in the University of California system or at America universities. The ugliness should be a wake-up call to a systemic problem not some sort of aberration........

 Oxfam Hates Israel More Than It Wants to Help Gaza Arabs March 3, 2024 “Oxfam does not support US airdrops to Gaza”.   A very basic question is what drives the Western support for Hamas? Is it a concern for Arab Muslims in Gaza or hatred for Jews, Israel, and America? If it’s the former, then why wasn’t there the same level of concern for other conflicts in the region? Rarely has an organization answered that question as effectively as Oxfam. In response to an announcement of humanitarian supply aidrops by the Biden administration, it issued a statement declaring that, “Oxfam does not support US airdrops to Gaza, which would mostly serve to relieve the guilty consciences of senior US officials whose policies are contributing to the ongoing atrocities and risk of famine in Gaza.” Oxfam claimed that the idea would “be deeply degrading to Palestinians” and that, “instead of indiscriminate airdrops in Gaza, the US should cut the flow of weapons to Israel that are used in indiscriminate attacks.”.........


While Kids Die, NY AG Letitia James Focuses on Transgender Locker Rooms - March 2, 2024 - Don’t contact AG James, unless the shooter also misgendered them.  New York has horrifying crime rates and while this goes on, AG Letitia James has…1. Prosecuted Trump on charges no one else would face purely because of his politics, 2. Sued a beef producer accusing them of violating global warming, 3. Bizarrely threatened a cake store in Denver for not baking a transgender cake and now is dealing with the pressing issue of eliminating women's privacy and sports by having men play against them......Meanwhile, kids are being killed.

Medical Corruption, IVF

 FACT CHECK: Biden’s False Claim that Alabama Halted Access to IVF March 3, 2024 The only “halt” on IVF procedures in Alabama came from Democrats.  The Biden administration announced that it was convening a session of its various arms in response to what it falsely claimed was a “devastating Alabama Supreme Court ruling that has halted access to IVF in much of the state.” Neither Alabama nor any other state halted access to IVF. The Alabama Supreme Court did not halt access to IVF. Three Alabama clinics chose to halt IVF treatments (with likely devastating results) over the ruling even though the Alabama Attorney General had already stated that no clinics were in danger or were impacted by the ruling for providing IVF services. Since the Biden administration and its political and media allies set off this hysteria purely for political purposes, the Alabama legislature rushed through a bill addressing the situation......

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