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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What's the Leftist Definition For Extremism in America?

By Rich Kozlovich 

Well, it appears the left thinks anyone who wants secure borders is a greedy, xenophobic, racist "extremist".   Since that's the bulk of America, we have to conclude Democrats feel the nation is filled with extremists, and they, who want to destroy the American culture are the normals.   And yes, that's a Democrat standard for defining "extremism".

It's clear  Biden was elected through a corrupt nationwide organized effort at voter fraud, and the nation is aware of it.  So, the extremists are wanting secure elections.  Which the Democrats oppose because that will destroy "our" democracy, which in their case means one party rule forever.  However, while secure elections would destroy "their" democracy, it would save "our" republic.

No modern advanced society can survive without inexpensive abundant energy.  Energy that America is more than capable of producing internally, none of which the Democrats want.   That makes those who are wanting  energy independence extremists, and those who want to destroy the economy and drive America into poverty are normal.   Did I get that right?

Those with a solid moral Judaic/Christian ethic abhor abortion, considering it the murder of the innocent unborn, and want solid indisputable protection of the unborn.  The Democrats consider that extremism, in spite of the fact protecting the unborn has been the standard for humanity for untold centuries. But the whole world was full of extremists then, except for those pagan religions that sacrificed their children to pagan gods.   Apparently, these monsters who threw their children into the fires of Baal must have been normal.  Right?

Extremism is also the Democrats definition for those who believe it's the parents who should be making decisions for their children, not teachers, and not the government via these so called "medical professionals" who want to mutilate the genitals of children pushing transgenderism on these young and impressionable minds. 

And as for those who are demanding better education via school choice, they are absolutely considered extremists, especially by the corrupt teacher's unions.

These extremists believe the Constitution is under attack, and has been for decades, and think government officials need to adhere to their sworn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.  Wow!  Just how extreme is that.

And worst of all Democrats define those as "extremists" who believe America comes first, and the rest of the world second.  Which to these leftist globalists, in both parties by the way, is anathema, and the perfect example of extremism.   

Strange isn't it.  Everything they do, and everything them promote will delivery dystopia to society; misery, poverty, disease, suffering, tyranny, and early death is normal.  But those who oppose all that are the extremists.    

And the most extreme of them all must be these veterans who are now saying demanding accountability from the DoD over the corrupt tyranny covid corrupt tyranny they imposed on these patriots regarding covid shots. And 231 U.S. service members are demanding court-martials.  How dare they?  What extremists!!! 

So, since Trump and the entire MAGA crowd believe in all of that, it's clear, they must be extremists!   While leftists, socialists, globalists, communists and Democrats who oppose all of that, (there I go again repeating myself) are normal.  Imagine that. 

Does anyone beside me think that sounds just a little bit nuts?  

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