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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, September 21, 2023

America Out Loud

Editor's Note:  In order to highlight just how insane all that's going on I've added cartoons from other sites that seem appropriate. RK 

Selective Prosecutions at the US DOJ Blindsides Lady Justice - George McClellan - The DOJ has protected the Bidens the same as it protected the Clintons by ignoring their crimes. The contrast between how the FBI went full bore in its efforts to ruin President Trump but ignored the Bidens and Clintons until the statute of limitations on their crimes expired couldn't be more apparent. This scale of corruption, bias, and lawlessness affects the... 


Cops Arrested by Activist District Attorneys Targeting Officers - Lt. Randy Sutton - The Wounded Blue with Lt. Randy Sutton – American Law Enforcement Officers are being prosecuted by “activist” District Attorneys and Prosecutors at a rate never before seen in our nation. These prosecutions are destroying the lives of the officers emotionally and financially. Officer James Fotis founded The National Center for Police Defense to help...  

Venom's Role in COVID: A Shocking Revelation - Dr. Bryan Ardis - Looking 4 Healing Radio with Dr. Bryan Ardis – I unpack the transformative discussions from the Healing for the AGES event held in Dallas, Texas. We explore my new creation, Foreign Protein Cleanse, designed to detoxify and remove venom components from the human body. I also introduce you to groundbreaking research from the University of Arizona about a venom enzyme linked to COVID-19 and a pioneering company... 


The CIA & COVID: The Ultimate Betrayal of America -  Tom Renz, Esq. The Tom Renz Show – Diving deep into the murky waters of SARS-CoV-2's origins, this exposé reveals startling facts about its creation in a Wuhan lab, funded and facilitated by US agencies. From Anthony Fauci to the CIA, the layers of cover-up are extensive. Lawsuits are pending, whistleblowers are speaking out, and yet our leaders remain silent. If you're tired of the lies and want the truth about the real players in this global pandemic... 


Fueling the Fire: The Conservative Climate Language Trap - Tom Harris In a world where the language of climate alarmism has infiltrated conservative ranks, are we unknowingly fueling the very fire we aim to extinguish? From the Republican debate stage in the U.S. to policy conventions in Canada, conservatives are using words that only amplify climate scare narratives. I dive into how this language shift is not accidental but a deliberate act...

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