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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 18, 2023

How to Fix Education? Defund it!

By Rich Kozlovich 

There has been a great deal of talk about the outrageous increase of the cost of education, and especially higher education these days. I think it's possible these insane increases in education might be the best thing that has ever happened to higher education. I know that may sound insane, but in the real world it's the cost of things that re-focuses people’s attention, and we really need to get rid of the idea education is a Golden Calf, irrespective of it's failures.  Success in life is about persistence and hard work, and that success can be achieved with or without graduating with a degree! As , who I think was the finest President of the 20th century noted:

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” 
At some point someone will stand up and force this issue of funding for higher education by the government and the demands the Department of Education imposes on the institutions, and that's where the problem lies entirely.  Furthermore, these universities deliberately raise tuition costs in order to make it possible for more students to qualify for government loans or funding of some kind, many of whom shouldn't be there in the first place. Another good reason to get rid of the Department of Education, and to end this student loan fiasco.  

But, let's try and understand this properly, and that can only be done when we define things properly since it's definition is what leads to clarity.  The question that must be asked and answered in order to properly define what's happening is this:  What's higher education really all about?

First, let's take for example this issue of racial quotas. They created this to grease the squeaky wheels.  They ended up with more squeaks. When you read the issues regarding racial quotas you begin to realize that absolutely no one had a clue about what's right, wrong, legal, or illegal, including the Congress, and until their recent ruling ending quotas, the Supreme Court.   The whole thing became a racial quota mess.  As Justice Clarence Thomas noted in the Students For Fair Admissions vs Harvard 2023 ruling:

"The solution to our nation’s racial problems cannot come from polices grounded in affirmative action or some other conception of equality. Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism."

Universities have been, and continue being forced to be the engineers of social change!  Why?  Isn't imparting knowledge their purpose for being? No, and it's all turned into a mess of leftist propaganda and indoctrination.  An expensive mess that fails to properly educate these kids  having a functionally illiteracy rate that's staggering.  

But I have the answer. Eliminate federal funding of any kind!  Make them totally self funding, tax them accordingly, including their endowment funds, which are massive, then watch now quickly things change.

Let the university regents set their own admission and education standards for whatever reason they please, and then let them justify their positions to the parents paying for all of this.  Reality will force the price down, it will force professors to actually teach their classes, it will drop class size, it will put those universities and colleges out of business that need eliminating, which in my opinion are the largest and most "prestigious", including much touted Columbia,  and it will force most of them to re-evaluate who the professors are and what they teach. In short, make all colleges and universities privately owned and self funding, and effective, if they are capable of it!  And if they're not, just like all private businesses that fail to perform, they'll go out of business.

But here's the most important thing.  All of the problems we see people complaining about will go away naturally.

Wow! Now that is a shocker isn’t it. But that is what it will take. If universities are allowed to set all their own standards will some institutions attempt to keep blacks out? Yes. Will there will be some that will keep Jews out?  Yes!  Will there be some that will keep Asians out?  Yes! Will there be some who will keep whites out.  Yes!  So what?

Let them function as they please and suffer the consequences, or reap the rewards for their decisions. This would be the perfect opportunity for every group that is being unfairly excluded based on race,  ethnicity, or even religion to form their own universities with their own standards. Hopefully higher standards. Setting higher academic standards would almost be an automatic since the standard is so low they're fairly meaningless now. 

If they are unable for financial reasons, or there aren't sufficient numbers of a particular group to form their own institutions, then that will be an incentive to explore other opportunities. 

  • They can decide to come together and form as a group totally devoted to diversity, equity, and inclusion if they choose.  
  • They can come together form an institution that has no exclusionary standards, of any kind, including academic standards if they choose. 
  • They can can come together and choose to keep out all those who are academically unworthy if they choose and make merit their standard.

Regarding all the issues surrounding education, none of this is as it appears.  We assume public education was to teach reading, writing and arithmetic.  Right? Wrong! That was a byproduct! The goal of public education was to “make sure the apple fell as far away for the tree as possible”!  The goal of the socialist movement is now and has always been (ever since the French Revolution) to undermine any moral authority other than the moral authority of the state. 

As far as I've been able to discover public education as we know it was started in Scotland in the 1600's with the goal of creating good Christian citizens.  Now, one might think that's a good thing, but let's define this properly.  Whether you agree with that goal or not, that's called social engineering, and what happens when socialists, who are opposed to "good Christian citizens" take control of public education?   

Public education as we know it in America was organized in the late 19th century by socialists who called themselves progressives in order to hide who they really were and what their goal really was, and that was to deliberately undermine the moral authority of parents and the churches.

If you take a look at these institutions and what they teach you begin to realize that they aren’t teaching our kids, they are indoctrinating them with Marxist philosophy. These kids come out over educated, under smart, ignorant and arrogant in their ignorance, and just like their professors, as equally incapable of running a business or understanding what sacrifices it takes to become successful, because all they focus on is how unfair American capitalism is, in spite of the fact American capitalism has brought more people out of poverty, misery, and suffering than any system in the history of the world.. 

They constantly fail to get that history right. As Obama said to the real creators of jobs, aka, businessmen:

"If you've got a business, you didn't build that!"

They later claimed that this was taken out of context, but this is the theme of socialism, and nitwits like Obama who never ran anything successfully, other that creating a destructive, treasonous, tyrannous Deep State.  And that's what's being taught and promoted in the universities. 

The very definition of marriage as the bonding of a man and a woman is called into question, and is being tyrannically promoted at all levels of education in America.  In the various psychology and social services courses within academia, any who have difficulty accepting those concepts have been pushed out of those courses, and even fired.

When that becomes accepted by society the very foundation of a stable society, the nuclear family, is subject to disintegration. If the definition of a nuclear family as a man, a woman and their children is no longer accepted then that stable foundation will disintegrate naturally, and the state then becomes the moral arbiter of all values. 

Then, that which has always been the real target of the socialists, Judaic/Christian principles, will cease to exist within society. That has been the focus of public education, especially higher education, going back to Margaret Mead, the Frankfurt School people and others. Once the state has destroyed every vestige of Judaic/Christian principles they can get society to do anything. I would like to draw attention to my article, Let Me Tell You about Trofim Denisovich Lysenko which discusses some of what happens in a society that has become a moral vacuum.  Once we understand all of that everything else falls into place.   

You may also wish to view my article; Pathways of the Past are the Stepping Stones to the Future! 

Do you want to end the insanity?  End the funding! Once again, reality will force the price down, and will force professors to actually teach their classes, it will drop class size, it will put some universities and colleges out of business.   It will force most of them to re-evaluate who the professors are and what they teach. In short, ending all funding and making all colleges and universities privately owned and self funding will allow all of these problems to go away naturally. 

Most importantly, we won’t have a bunch of socialists ensconced in university ivory towers undermining the very system that supports them, and far fewer of the young will be coming out of the universities as socialists, greenies, racists, leftists, over educated, under smart, ignorant, and arrogant in their ignorance.

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