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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, June 5, 2023

Blast From the Past: Brain Rot in American Education

By Rich Kozlovich 

(Editor's Note: 0riginally I published this on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, but the verbiage is absolutely great, direct, accurate, and pieces like this need airing over again, with updated thoughts from me. RK

I originally picked this up from Jon Ray's site, Dissecting Leftism.  I should state that I don't agree entirely with some of her views in the pieces below, and I find her articles to be bit difficult to read because she's doesn't transition smoothly from point to point, and she's a bit of a snot but....... "she is interesting!"

She outlines how things used to be and need to be again, which I agree. She also has solutions many will find appealing, but she fails to explain why those things happened in the "good old days" and why those solutions won't be accepted now.

The fundamental barrier to a return to stability in American culture, is a return to those values that made American culture great. The common acceptance of Judaic/Christian values and principles! And that will never happen when what passes for Christian religion is being sold on TV by hucksters, and leftists disguising themselves as Christian clergy undermining every Biblical moral concept, including abortion. 
These heretics are a fifth column who are far worse than outright leftists because they're perpetrating heresy.  Outright leftists are the barbarians at the gate, and are known.  The heretics in government and religion are in reality traitors who walk among us disguised as one of us.   They portray themselves as shepherds, but are "ravenous wolves" destroying the flock.

Jon Ray says this about her: 
Ilana Mercer is an expert at writing scarifying prose. She is supreme at ripping people to pieces verbally.  I think that's really understating what she does. Her "scarifying prose" isn't like being slashed with a rapier - it's more like being hit with a Scottish Highlander's two handed claymore.

Here are her thoughts on American intervention in Libya:
"A product of the romantic minds of women—Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice—who fantasize about an Arab awakening... estrogen-driven paternalism on steroids."

I particularly liked this comment, on social meddling in the Middle East.  Over and over again I've stated the Middle East nations cannot be fixed as they are nothing more that fractionalized Medieval tribal societies with modern weaponry, communications, and transportation with the dominant tribe abusing everyone who isn't part of their tribe, or their brand of Islam.  She says: 
Democracy is especially dangerous in ethnically and racially divided societies, where majorities and minorities are rigidly predetermined and politically permanent.

 As for her thoughts on General Petraeus’ sex scandal, she defines the U.S. military as:

.......manacled by doctrinaire mediocrity, multiculturalism, feminism, affirmative action… and every postmodern pox imaginable. And this is only the froth on the top.

Ya gotta admit. She has a way with words! Please enjoy her thoughts on the finished product being turned out by American education.  I think you will agree her way with words is really inspiring.  
John Jay goes on to note:
The author of such titles is well aware of how stupid, on average, American millennials are. She has been for some time. The 2010 piece aforementioned warned that “the electronic toys our dim, attention-deficient darlings depend on to sustain brain waves are made, for the most, by older people,” and that “the hi-tech endeavor consist in older Americans and Asians uniting to supply young, twittering twits with the playthings that keep their brainwaves from flatlining." According to my sources in the high-tech industry, for every useless, self-aggrandizing Gen Yer, a respectful, bright, industrious (East) Asian, with a wicked work ethic, waits in the wings. The millennial generation will be another nail in the coffin of the flailing American productivity…....."Rejoice! America is becoming an egalitarian Idiocracy"........ Millennials have been pre-programmed and praised for stupidity. They’ve acquired an education yet they remain uneducated.......It would appear that when the neocortex is underused, the reptilian brain takes over.........

This all appeared in 2015, nine years ago, and we clearly see there have been a lot of people who recognized the imbecility of American education for years.  So what's been done to fix it?  Nothing!  

In point of fact it's worse than ever, filled with leftist propaganda. corrupt teachers, corrupt leftist school boards, corrupt teacher's unions, and a Department of Education that's destroying the young and impressionable minds under their care. 

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