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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Identifying and Defining the Left

 By Rich Kozlovich

Communists, Marxists, socialists, progressives, fascists, etc., it matters little what they're called, since just like Satan, they keep changing themselves into angels of light.   The left changes what they call themselves, and what they embrace depending on what will get them the power they so cravenly desire.  The fact is, it matters not what they're called, or what their agenda of the moment may be, these are the psychological and philosophical progeny of the power mongering radical misanthropes of the French Revolution. 

The Balkanization of America is the tool they're using to destroy the America character, the American identity, the American culture, the American economy and intimately the U.S Constitution. The only things standing between them and a form of world governance controlled by socialist lunatics. Lunatics that would quickly send the world into dystopia, and I believe unending violence on a scale unprecedented. Without America, there is no free world. Without America, there's only tyranny. If America ceases to be America, the world will lose anything resembling human rights and freedom.

America is unique in all of world history. America never offered perfection, it offered the most acceptable imperfection, and that imperfect system, with all our flaws, moles, warts, and scars, brought more people out of misery and suffering than any system in the history of the world.

The right conditions, and the right people were in place at the right time for America's birth, and it was a difficult one. To me, the chances of a creation of another America seem at best to be remote. That's their goal. A permanent end to America.

The names they identify with at the moment are meaningless, as they're all peas in the same pod. Irrational, misanthropic and morally defective. The power mongering moral foundation of the left is hate, envy, greed, lust and violence. With all the evidence available, why is that so hard for so many to grasp?

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