It appears some of these "trans" end up having successful lives, but it also appears that's not the norm, not to mention the serious long term health consequences. While they have the right to live their lives as they see fit, and I'm more than happy to leave them alone, they don't accept that, as with all things "left"; nothing is ever enough.
What they don't have the right to do is impact the lives of children with impressionable minds. If this is a mental disorder, then what kind of mental framework do the parents of these children possess who are allowing this? That's really the issue.
I think you will find this multi-linked discussion more than interesting. While I published this on April 6th, 2023, I've added more links. I will continue to add them as they appear. I'm also considering republishing this as the number of articles increase.
This is turning into a national nightmare where every cultural and legal framework of American society is being turned upside down, and as in all things "left", violence or the threat of violence is a moving force.
Transgender School Shooter Plotting Church Attack Read Marx - Lefties claim that 30-year-old women can’t be trusted with guns, but teenagers can be injected with hormones and undergo experimental treatments that have been known to lead to suicidal impulses and uncontrollable rage. After Audrey Hale’s shooting spree killed 9-year-olds at a Christian school, another transgender shooter was allegedly caught planning an attack............
Many of the links below were in my original post, but there are more now and I've organized them topically. For far more information dealing with this issue, here is my Transgenderism file, but not organized topically.
Quoting Brian C. Joondeph in his article, Is It Time to Panic Yet Over the State of America?:
The pillars of civilization are under attack. These include our economy, our relationship with the rest of the world, our social fabric, and our constitutional liberty. The attacks and resulting mayhem are unprecedented and cheered on by one political party while treated like a minor hiccup by the opposition party. Both parties are the problem and while the Republican party may be preferable to the Democrat party, in their current form, they are hardly the solution to our mess.
This is 1984.
- Transgenderism Remains a Mental Illness By Don Fisher, Jr. - Accompanying the horrifying news today that a mass shooting took place at a Christian elementary school near Nashville, TN was the bizarre background information about the alleged assailant. A troubled young woman has been blamed for the killing of three adults and three children, and she identified herself as a transgender person, according to online profiles she left behind. Audrey Elizabeth Hale, age 28, had once been a student at Covenant Presbyterian Church's school, which she returned to yesterday to gun down others. Her motives for slaughtering six innocent people aren't clear, but it's obvious to anyone that she suffered from one or more mental illnesses. Whether or not we find out what inner demons drove her to her fatal actions today, we know that her foray into transgenderism should've prompted those who knew her to seek competent psychological counseling. In a sane society, people do not pretend to magically transform into the other sex (and yes, there are only two categories of reproductive sex for humans), nor do we allow people to dictate their “preferred pronouns.” Sexual identity is set at birth, and barring medical anomalies or a doctor's faulty vision, that is our actual sex until we die. At least that was the case until recently when the justifiably mentally ill and the radical Left (and those categories often overlap) demanded that we play along with their twisted game of make-believe and agree that men and women can somehow scientifically “transition” to the other sex..........
- Children Watch Transgender Adults Strip Naked in ‘Body Positive’ TV Show - Kurt Zindulka - Britain’s publicly owned Channel 4 network has debuted a “body positive” television programme in which full-grown adults, including post-operation transgender individuals, strip down naked in front of children to supposedly educate youngsters on different body types. This week, Channel 4, the left-leaning publicly owned, commercially funded network, began its six-part series Naked Education hosted by Anna Richardson, known for hosting a variety of other body-based programmes including a naked dating show on the same network................
- Drag Queens to March on Easter to Protest Laws Protecting Children, David Ng Drag queens are set to march on Easter Sunday
in West Hollywood, California, to protest the growing number of state
laws designed to protect children from gender transitions and sexually
explicit drag shows. None of these laws applies to California. The rally, billed as “Drag
March LA,” will take place in L.A.’s gayest neighborhood, with drag
queens marching down Santa Monica Blvd. RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants including Kerri
Colby and Honey Davenport are expected to
participate.............Transgenderism was classified by the American
Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder
until 2012. But the behavior of transgenders mirrors the APA’s
definition of delusions. According to the APA, delusions are “an often
highly personal idea or belief system, not endorsed by one’s culture or
subculture, that is maintained with conviction in spite of irrationality
or evidence to the contrary.” If a man maintains with conviction that he is a woman in spite of
chromosomal, anatomical, endocrinological and other evidence to the
contrary, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that man is delusional. This, according to a WebMD item reviewed by Dr. Smitha Bhandari,
is “a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic
disorder.”............But because young people confused about their
gender are politically
useful, Leftists exploit them and dissuade them from obtaining the
medical treatment they need. They instead force them deeper into mental
illness by promoting the lie that they can simply alter natural law on a
- The Left’s Disposable Transgender Children, Scott Hogenson Apr 09, 2023 - We used to treat mental illness with the goal of helping people. An apt example is how we responded to the epidemic of eating disorders that began in the 1970s and accelerated into the 1980s. According to the Mental Health Foundation of the United Kingdom, “bulimia nervosa (commonly known as bulimia) is an eating disorder and a serious mental health problem.” The risks of anorexia are similarly concerning. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice observed, “Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious mental illness, characterized in part by intense and irrational beliefs about shape and weight, including fear of gaining weight.”..........
- When leftists oppose transgenderism, conservatives should listen April 6, 2023 By Robert Arvay - When radical leftists oppose transgenderism, conservatives should listen — and learn.Jennifer Bilek is by no means a conservative. Quite the opposite — she is a feminist leftist with whom I agree on as close to nothing as I think one can get — except for the contents of her video titled "Who is Behind the Trans Agenda?" (For example, she refers to Rachel Levine as a "he.") Make no mistake: despite what we are encouraged to believe, there is an organized, systematic agenda that, if one does not do the research, is easily dismissed as yet another right-wing conspiracy theory. Bilek has clearly done the research, and her video is a comprehensive summary of the facts. Bilek is not the first leftist to recognize this. Camille Paglia and J.K. Rowling are two of the better known so-called "Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists — TERFs, which has become a pejorative among "trans-activists" who promote such things as irreversible surgical mutilation of young children who, however temporarily,;express gender confusion........
- The increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America April 8, 2023 By Andrea Widburg - On his Friday night show, Tucker Carlson called “transgender” activists the most dangerous domestic terrorists in America. He’s correct. They are the equivalent of religious fanatics because they have a manic faith that is belied by observable reality, which means they that constantly have to pitch themselves to a high emotional amplitude to override the real world impinging on their faith. The Democrats, from Biden on down, rather than working to tamp down this madness, are doing their best to amplify this insane frequency, by assuring these already maddened people that they are the victims of a planned Republican “genocide.” The escalating number of violent attacks by this mentally-ill multitude is increasing and will continue to do so............
- Carlson: Transgenderism ‘Most Dangerous Extremist Group’ in USA, Jeff Poor Friday, FNC host Tucker Carlson reacted to an attack on former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who spoke out against transgender females competing in female collegiate athletics at San Francisco State University a night earlier. Carlson proclaimed that the left, specifically the Biden administration, promoted the transgenderism movement with what he described as “religious extremists.” Transcript as follows:.............KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, let’s be very clear about that. LGBTQI+ kids are resilient, they are fierce, they fight back, they’re not going anywhere, and we have their back. This administration has their back........
- In 2019, a trans teenager shot nine people in a high school, killing one, that was in Denver.
- In 2018, a mentally ill transgenderist shot up a Rite- Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland. That massacre killed four..........
- William Whitworth, he’s a transgenderist that uses the name Lily in the State of Colorado. Apparently, he had a kill list and a manifesto. He was planning to attack three schools and churches and apparently some talk show hosts..........
- In November, the National Hockey League sponsored an all-trans draft tournament. A male cross-dresser was allowed to compete against women. What do you think happened? Well, during the game, the man lightly chucked a woman into the boards and gave her a concussion. Yes, because he’s a man, she’s a woman...........
- In October, a North Carolina high school volleyball player suffered a significant head injury after another man dressed as a woman spiked the ball at her head.............
- Nine years ago, a man called Fallon Fox declared himself a woman and competed in a mixed martial arts fight against a competitor called Tamikka Brents, who was a woman. In a total of 36 seconds on the mat, Fox fractured the bones of Tamikka Brents’ face and won the fight. As Tamikka Brents later put it, “I’ve never felt so overpowered in my life, and I’m an abnormally strong female.”...............
- Desire and Delusion Didn't Do Diddly to Dylan Mulvaney's DNA, April 6, 2023 By Patrick Luscri - Dylan Mulvaney is attempting the impossible. Scientifically and biologically speaking, no matter how many hormone treatments and surgeries he goes through, the chances of him becoming a woman are equal to becoming Audrey Hepburn. Zero and zero. The man is hardwired to be a man. His maleness is as deep as it gets. It's in his DNA. It's molecular. In truth, no amount of want to can make him a woman. The same goes for Ellen Page, now calling herself Elliot, regarding her desire to be a man. In truth, Dylan and Ellen are talented, charismatic, beautifully created people who've been hoodwinked by desire and delusion. Neither can do diddly to change who they are, who they're made to be..............
- REVEALED: The Real Reason Why Fake Woman Dylan Mulvaney Is Suddenly Everywhere, By Robert Spencer April 08, 2023- At last we know why the corporate world has fallen in love with pretend woman Dylan Mulvaney. As I noted Thursday, he seems to be everywhere all at once, and it seems unlikely that corporate giants are suddenly so taken with Dylan’s charm and wit that they are spontaneously all at once falling over themselves to make him their pitchman. But now we know why there is this sudden imperative to make this man America’s sweetheart: corporations are being strong-armed into featuring him, or else.........

- The UK Is Threatening Inmates With Extra Jail Time if They “Misgender” Fellow Prisoners - Ladies and gentlemen, this is the indefensibly insane culture we now live in: .......... Women prisoners who call transgender inmates by the wrong pronoun could face extra time in jail under equality rules, says a justice minister.
- Department Of Defense official testifies that the military must be a ‘safe space’ for the non-binary, April 6, 2023 By Eric Utter- When a rainbow-colored Navy training video on the proper use of preferred pronouns surfaced last year, many people thought it was a joke. Sadly, many people were wrong. Recently, a top Department of Defense official offered testimony to Congress that doubled down on the video’s underlying message: the armed services must be a "safe space" in which each and every member feels validated and affirmed on his and/or her journey of self-discovery. Remarkably, the video discussed how to make the Navy a "safe space" for people who wish to explore their gender identity..........
- John Rich Points out Elephant in the Room, Asks Chlamydia Harris Why She Visited Expelled Democrats in Tennessee but Not the Families of the Transvestite Murder Victims, Country singer John Rich has been on a tear lately. Rich has not been shy about his politics and past support for former President Donald Trump. Recently Rich has joined with many others in feeling that Bud Light’s new transgender campaign is not something he feels is appropriate, particularly after the deadly shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, TN, leaving 6 dead including 3 children.............
- Judge Rules Anchorage Women's Shelter Is Allowed To Remain A Women's Shelter, By: Tristan Justice A federal court ruled on Monday that a faith-based women’s shelter in Anchorage, Alaska, was allowed to remain open exclusively for women after the city passed an ordinance to mandate otherwise. The Downtown Hope Center sued the city in 2018 when officials sought legal retribution against the charity over its refusal to allow an inebriated and injured biological man who identified as a woman to sleep at its facility alongside homeless women. The shelter referred the man to a hospital instead where he was sent in a taxi paid for by the group.............
- Serial Killer Who Targeted Women Now Being Housed in Women’s Prison Because They Are ‘Transgender’, “Donna Perry,” born Douglas, has been transferred to the Washington Correctional Center for Women under new laws that allow gender self-identification. Perry was convicted in 2017 of first degree murder for the violent slayings of prostitutes Yolanda Sapp, 26, Nicki Lowe, Nicki Lowe, 34, and Kathleen Brisbois, 38 in 1990. Though he was only prosecuted for three killings, he claims that there were nine. The defense in Perry’s case actually had the audacity to claim that it was “Douglas Perry,” his former identity, who may have killed the women — not “Donna Perry,” his new identity. The prosecution argued that it was likely Perry had fled to Thailand and underwent gender reassignment surgery in order to avoid suspicion for the murders.............
- Chinese Communist Party bans 'sissy men' from appearing in media - – In a bid to shore up its perceived strength as an ascendant global leader, the ruling Chinese Communist Party has banned effeminate men, which it refers to by a phrase in Chinese that translates roughly to “sissy men,” from the media. The ban affects a spectrum of Chinese males, ranging from full-on transgenders to pop music stars with silky smooth skin and boyish charm.........
- Canadian gov't 'sponsoring' Drag Summer Camp for children 7-11 years old - Residents of Vancouver now have a Justin Trudeau-approved, taxpayer-funded summer alternative for their little kiddies: a drag queen summer camp at the Carousel Theatre for Young People. Children age 7 to 11 and teens age 12 to 17 will get a free drag makeup starter kit for their folks’ $460 and $900 “tuitions,” respectively. “Led by some of Vancouver’s established and emerging drag artists, you’ll learn how to access your inner confidence, show your true colours, and maybe even let out that inner diva!” the website states. “Join some of Vancouver’s most amazing drag artists and learn how drag can brighten up your life!”...........
- A ‘transgender’ minister analogizes the Nashville shooter to Christ April 5, 2023 - Religion and narcissism are inherently at odds. The former says there is a God. The latter says, “I am a god.” Few things illustrate this better than Micah Louwagie, an ordained Lutheran minister in North Dakota, who claims to be “transgender” and who had some pretty interesting (and repulsive) thoughts about the shooting last week at The Covenant School in Nashville.............According to Louwagie, our compassion for those murdered at The Covenant School is misplaced. The real martyrs are transgender people, especially the shooter (whom I will not name, other than to note that she was a biological female with delusions of so-called “transgenderism”). For Louwagie, an inanimate object is the real criminal, which means that an ideology that is obsessed with and practices violence and a mentally ill woman in thrall to that ideology cannot be at fault for what happened. They are, instead, the real victims:..............
- Swimmer Riley Gaines Ambushed, Assaulted, and Held Hostage By Trans Mob After Speech at San Francisco State University- , By Debra Heine April 7, 2023 - Swimmer Riley Gaines was ambushed, physically assaulted and held hostage for three hours late Thursday by a violent trans-rights mob who disrupted her speech at San Francisco State University about protecting women’s sports.“I was physically assaulted by one person. I was struck twice, both times hitting my shoulder with the second strike grazing my face,”.......... “The rest of the protestors just ambushed and cornered me before I was able to move out with the help of campus police.” Gaines is a 12-time All-American champ, and a former competitor of trans swimmer Lia Thomas, a biological male who has taken the sport by storm since he started identifying as a female.........
- REPORT: Police Say No Arrests Made After Transgender Mob Attacked Swimming Star Riley Gaines, Hannah Bleau No arrests were made Thursday night after a transgender mob assaulted former NCAA women’s swimming star Riley Gaines after she delivered a speech at San Francisco State University, in which she discussed saving women’s sports and highlighted her personal experience competing against biological male athlete Lia Thomas...........
- Swimmer Riley Gaines Announces Legal Action Against Violent Transvestite Mob After Assault [VIDEO]
- Clown World’s Latest: San Francisco State Responds to Attack of Riley Gaines, By M Dowling
- The smell of fear from SDSU administrators after trans assault on Riley Gaines, April 9, 2023 By Monica Showalter -Last week, women's college swim champion Riley Gaines, who opposes the transgender agenda in women's sports, was physically assaulted and falsely detained by an enraged baying mob of transgender protestors at San Francisco State University. According to Fox News:..........."She told me she was hit multiple times by a guy in a dress. I was shaking. It made me that mad. It makes me sick to feel so helpless about it," Barker said. "She was under police protection and was still hit by a man wearing a dress."....................
- Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks West Virginia Transgender Athlete Law. By Eric Lendrum - On Thursday, the Biden Administration’s Department of Education (ED) announced its proposed changes to Title IX, the civil rights law originally intended to prevent gender-based discrimination in public education, so that the law would forbid “categorical bans” on so-called “transgender” athletes competing in the wrong gender’s sports. As the Daily Caller reports, the proposed guideline changes would be prohibited from implementing “one-size-fits-all” policies that limits males to male sports and females to female sports. “One-size-fits-all policies that categorically ban transgender students from participating in athletics consistent with their gender identity across all sports, age groups, and levels of competition would not satisfy the proposed regulation,” the fact sheet released by the ED declares. “Such bans fail to account for differences among students across grade and education levels. They also fail to account for different levels of competition — including no-cut teams that let all students participate — and different types of sports.” The policy proposal further adds that public schools must consider “fairness in competition” and preventing “sports-related injury” when crafting policies that focus on creating sports teams.
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