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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 31, 2022

Sunday Schadenfreude: Chris Wallace ratings far worse than show he replaced as CNN braces for holiday season layoffs

Chris Wallace left Fox News in a huff and signed a contract with CNN to be the point man on the cable network’s streaming service, CNN+. That venture lasted only days before the new owners pulled the plug, leaving the network stuck with finding some use for its expensive (“more than $6 million a year”) new employee. They came up with a Sunday evening interview program, titled Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace.”  As Radar Online reports, the results are dismal:................  To Read More....

My Take - Chris Wallace is a loser because I think he's a duplicitous arrogant snot.  His salary is a loser because he's not drawing an audience of any size.  CNN is a loser because the new owners aren't aggressive enough in changing the direction of the network because I think they're not conservatives, they're liberals in sheep's clothing.  Otherwise they'd have come out and emphatically said the network was corrupted with leftist ideologues that were dishonest in their representation of the news and fired each and every one of their talking heads, along with the management people.  They didn't.  If this continues, and I think it will, CNN will be sold, at a bargain price, if it can be sold.  
Companies that deliver "news" have nothing to sell except their access to an audience, and they're fast running out of that asset.    Schadenfreude!


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